How to Develop a Strategy to Manage Legacy Data and Improve Data Value

By |2024-06-10T18:02:12-04:00May 22nd, 2024|article, Blog Archive, Information Governance and Management|

Every organization holds legacy data trapped in obsolete formats or systems. This introduces compatibility issues and security concerns. However, regulatory requirements often mandate retention of legacy data, and much of the information may still carry value. Data teams must develop a strategy to manage legacy data and thus keep it secure, compliant, and accessible. Trapped in obsolete formats and archaic systems, legacy data presents a multifaceted challenge. Important information may become inaccessible, resulting in knowledge gaps and reduced efficiency. Also, maintaining legacy data can prove difficult and costly. Finally, lack of visibility and proper security opens the door for data

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Legacy Archive Migration Best Practices for a Smooth Transition

By |2023-03-08T13:53:16-05:00December 21st, 2022|Email Migration, Privacy|

For decades, organizations have been archiving emails to meet regulatory and business requirements. In many cases, this means that companies have millions of emails stored in outdated systems. Updating archives to take advantage of the benefits of a modern environment can prove complicated. But following legacy archive migration best practices help. Email archiving provides a way for companies to preserve emails indefinitely. Archiving often proves necessary to achieve regulatory compliance. It also provides for business continuity and plays a key role in eDiscovery and internal audits. Several scenarios may necessitate the need to migrate email archives. For example, as more

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