Moving from GroupWise to Office 365: a Step-by-Step Guide

By |2024-07-12T17:19:28-04:00July 17th, 2024|article, Blog Archive, Email Migration|

GroupWise once played a dominant role in providing collaborative messaging services. However, after nearly 40 years, the platform has fallen behind more modern systems. Moving from GroupWise to Office 365 allows organizations to take advantage of increased storage, anywhere/anytime availability, powerful collaboration features, and much more. However, the migration process does present significant challenges, particularly for organizations that have used GroupWise for many years. For instance, large mailboxes, GroupWise personal archives, and poorly configured systems add layers of complexity. The following steps help to ensure a successful migration. Additionally, working with a seasoned GroupWise migration partner provides access to the

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Ouch-proof Data Migration Plan: Ensuring Security and Data Integrity

By |2024-05-13T15:00:20-04:00April 24th, 2024|article, Blog Archive, Email Migration, Office 365 and Migration|

Migrating to Microsoft 365, consolidating data centers, and upgrading systems all have the potential to drive efficiency and strengthen collaboration. But the migration process may also involve risks to essential business data. Take control of this critical element of your data migration plan: ensuring security and data integrity. Migrations do increase the risk that data will become corrupted, lost, or vulnerable to unauthorized access. However, with careful planning and the right tools, organizations can proceed with confidence. Following best practices before, during, and after migration mitigates risks and helps to ensure a successful migration. Know the Risks Moving data from

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5 Reasons You Should Migrate Your Exchange Mailbox to Office 365

By |2024-04-22T16:10:11-04:00April 10th, 2024|article, Blog Archive, Cloud Migration, Email Migration|

Cloud computing promises greater flexibility and accessibility for companies looking to stay competitive, support remote work, and drive innovation. However, some organizations hesitate to make the switch, citing concerns about security and migration complexity. Consider several compelling reasons to migrate your Exchange mailbox to Office 365. 1. Improved Collaboration and User Experience Office 365 delivers a suite of integrated productivity tools designed to facilitate seamless collaboration from any location, at any time. With an increasing business dependence on remote work, this flexibility proves critical in driving efficiency and creativity. And tools like Microsoft Teams break down barriers by strengthening real-time

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Understanding the Benefits and Limitations of Lift-and-shift Cloud Migration

By |2024-04-03T09:15:13-04:00March 13th, 2024|article, Blog Archive, Cloud Migration, Email Migration|

Imagine lifting a couch and moving it into a new room. The couch looks exactly the same, just in a different location. Lift-and-shift cloud migrations work essentially the same way. While the simplicity may seem attractive, organizations should explore the benefits and limitations of lift-and-shift cloud migration before committing to this method. In a lift-and-shift migration, the migration team takes existing on-premises applications and data and moves them to the cloud environment with minimal modifications. Also known as rehosting, this type of migration requires minimal retraining and time. Fast and cost-effective, it comes with some significant drawbacks. Quick and Easy

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4 Common Email Migration Mistakes…and How to Avoid Them

By |2024-04-03T09:32:28-04:00January 17th, 2024|Email Migration|

A botched email migration means Monday morning chaos. Users log in, only to realize half their emails have disappeared, they cannot locate important information, or they struggle to complete ordinary tasks. Worse, they find the system inaccessible. Common email migration mistakes mean downtime, data loss, and frustrated users. With careful planning, however, this scene never needs to play out. When organizations ask the right questions, choose their tools and process wisely, and communicate effectively, migrations run smoothly. Consider the following common mistakes many organizations make when migrating to a new email system, along with tips on how to avoid making

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Why Business Leaders Should Switch to Office 365 Email from Gmail

By |2023-10-06T10:26:28-04:00August 16th, 2023|Email Management Tips, Email Migration, Office 365 and Migration|

Office 365 is the most widely used cloud service by user count, with over 300 million monthly active users as of Q2 2023. Driven by strong demand for cloud-based productivity and collaboration tools, Office 365 saw a 15% increase in monthly active users compared to Q1 2023. Here we explore why business leaders should switch from Gmail to Office 365 Email (Microsoft 365 Outlook). Companies that Switched to Office 365 Email Office 365 users can access their files and collaborate with others from any device and location thanks to its cloud-based platform and mobile apps. ITS San Francisco, a large

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Increase Ongoing Productivity with a Successful Microsoft 365 Migration

By |2023-04-27T10:20:19-04:00April 5th, 2023|Email Migration, Microsoft 365, Office 365 and Migration|

Whether migrating from on premises to the cloud or merging two Microsoft 365 environments, the migration process presents both challenges and opportunity. A poorly planned migration can result in major work disruptions and even data loss. But a successful Microsoft 365 migration presents the perfect time to jump start information governance. The following migration tips will help to ensure that the migration process runs smoothly. At the same time, they prime the organization to move forward with increased productivity and security. Restructure for Optimal Productivity Advances in technology, regulatory changes and evolving business needs mean that the data environment requires

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Legacy Archive Migration Best Practices for a Smooth Transition

By |2023-03-08T13:53:16-05:00December 21st, 2022|Email Migration, Privacy|

For decades, organizations have been archiving emails to meet regulatory and business requirements. In many cases, this means that companies have millions of emails stored in outdated systems. Updating archives to take advantage of the benefits of a modern environment can prove complicated. But following legacy archive migration best practices help. Email archiving provides a way for companies to preserve emails indefinitely. Archiving often proves necessary to achieve regulatory compliance. It also provides for business continuity and plays a key role in eDiscovery and internal audits. Several scenarios may necessitate the need to migrate email archives. For example, as more

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Exchange to Microsoft 365 Migration Tips for a Seamless Transition

By |2023-04-27T10:35:40-04:00December 14th, 2022|Email Migration, Microsoft 365, Office 365 and Migration|

Migrating from Exchange Server to Microsoft 365 brings many benefits, from accessibility to in-place archives and increased storage space. But the Exchange to Microsoft 365 migration process can be complex. Avoid migration failure by knowing what to expect, planning carefully and involving the right migration team members. Benefits of an Exchange to Microsoft 365 Migration Organizations migrate from on-premises Exchange to Microsoft 365 for several reasons. In the first place, companies limping along on older versions of Exchange may experience access issues or server crashes. And even in a well-managed system, the need to install regular patches and keep servers

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GroupWise to Microsoft 365 Migration Basics

By |2023-03-08T13:56:44-05:00December 7th, 2022|Email Migration, Microsoft 365, Office 365 and Migration|

For organizations using legacy systems like GroupWise, Microsoft 365 offers clear benefits, from improved eDiscovery to scalability and easy remote access. However, migrating from GroupWise presents unique challenges. Understanding and following GroupWise to Microsoft 365 Migration basics will help smooth the way to a successful migration. GroupWise Presents Critical Limitations While GroupWise has powered corporate email systems for decades, an infrastructure designed for 1980s workloads struggles to handle modern demands. In particular, GroupWise personal archives present potentially costly issues. In the first place, end users manage their own archives. That means that very little maintenance occurs. And when users continue

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