Ouch-proof Data Migration Plan: Ensuring Security and Data Integrity

By |2024-05-13T15:00:20-04:00April 24th, 2024|article, Blog Archive, Email Migration, Office 365 and Migration|

Migrating to Microsoft 365, consolidating data centers, and upgrading systems all have the potential to drive efficiency and strengthen collaboration. But the migration process may also involve risks to essential business data. Take control of this critical element of your data migration plan: ensuring security and data integrity. Migrations do increase the risk that data will become corrupted, lost, or vulnerable to unauthorized access. However, with careful planning and the right tools, organizations can proceed with confidence. Following best practices before, during, and after migration mitigates risks and helps to ensure a successful migration. Know the Risks Moving data from

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5 Important Ways GDPR-compliant Software Helps US Businesses

By |2024-04-22T16:09:45-04:00April 17th, 2024|article, Blog Archive, Data Compliance|

For the average US company, GDPR may seem half a world away and irrelevant. However, this “shot heard round the world” introduced an era of data privacy with far-reaching implications. Whether or not your business targets European Union (EU) residents, GDPR-compliant software helps US businesses in several unexpected ways. GDPR-compliant software addresses key areas that include the following: Data protection principles – Software solutions should have a specific purpose for the data they collect. They should collect only necessary data and use the data solely for the stated purpose, removing it when no longer needed. User rights – The software

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5 Reasons You Should Migrate Your Exchange Mailbox to Office 365

By |2024-04-22T16:10:11-04:00April 10th, 2024|article, Blog Archive, Cloud Migration, Email Migration|

Cloud computing promises greater flexibility and accessibility for companies looking to stay competitive, support remote work, and drive innovation. However, some organizations hesitate to make the switch, citing concerns about security and migration complexity. Consider several compelling reasons to migrate your Exchange mailbox to Office 365. 1. Improved Collaboration and User Experience Office 365 delivers a suite of integrated productivity tools designed to facilitate seamless collaboration from any location, at any time. With an increasing business dependence on remote work, this flexibility proves critical in driving efficiency and creativity. And tools like Microsoft Teams break down barriers by strengthening real-time

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Ensuring Success After a Cloud Migration: Your Guide to a Long-term Plan

By |2024-04-05T16:26:55-04:00April 3rd, 2024|article, Blog Archive, Cloud Migration, Office 365 and Migration|

Cloud migration marks a significant step for any organization looking to improve efficiency, scalability, and innovation. However, the journey does not end at “go live.” Post-migration challenges can hinder progress. Consider these important tips for life after a cloud migration: your guide to a long-term plan. Transitioning to the cloud makes good business sense. For instance, moving to Microsoft 365 and a Teams environment turbo-charges collaboration. And the cloud delivers essential flexibility and scalability to quickly accommodate fluctuations in demand. However, the cloud involves a completely new operating environment, with significant changes for both end users and IT personnel. Cloud

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How Does Cloud Migration Impact Data Center Infrastructure?  

By |2024-04-03T09:11:25-04:00March 27th, 2024|article, Blog Archive, Cloud Migration|

The digital landscape constantly evolves, and for many businesses, that involves reimagining their data center. Cloud migration, the process of moving data and applications to a cloud computing environment, offers greater agility, scalability, and cost-efficiency. But how does cloud migration impact data center infrastructure? Scaling On Demand In addition to accessibility, scalability represents one of the main drivers for businesses migrating to the cloud. On-premises data centers can struggle to adapt to fluctuating workloads. On the other hand, the cloud delivers the ability to easily scale resources up or down on demand. Need to handle a surge in website traffic,

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What is the Role of Cyber Security in Protecting Personal Data?

By |2024-04-03T09:13:21-04:00March 19th, 2024|article, Blog Archive, Cyber-Security, Data Compliance|

Businesses and public organizations depend on big data to provide personalized services, to innovate, and to guide business strategy. But they also have a legal and ethical responsibility to keep sensitive data safe. Business leaders cannot afford to underestimate or under-resource the role of cyber security in protecting personal data. The average business or municipal organization manages an astonishing amount of personal data. This includes health, financial, and employment data, of course. It also includes names, biometrics, Social Security numbers, contact information, and other identifiers. While individuals surrender personal information as a matter of course when transacting business, they expect

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Understanding the Benefits and Limitations of Lift-and-shift Cloud Migration

By |2024-04-03T09:15:13-04:00March 13th, 2024|article, Blog Archive, Cloud Migration, Email Migration|

Imagine lifting a couch and moving it into a new room. The couch looks exactly the same, just in a different location. Lift-and-shift cloud migrations work essentially the same way. While the simplicity may seem attractive, organizations should explore the benefits and limitations of lift-and-shift cloud migration before committing to this method. In a lift-and-shift migration, the migration team takes existing on-premises applications and data and moves them to the cloud environment with minimal modifications. Also known as rehosting, this type of migration requires minimal retraining and time. Fast and cost-effective, it comes with some significant drawbacks. Quick and Easy

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Business Email Security Updates Critical to Keep Pace with Emerging Threats

By |2024-04-03T09:20:20-04:00February 21st, 2024|article, Blog Archive, Cyber-Security, Email Management Tips, Email security|

Cyber criminals love email. Everyone uses it. Businesses depend on it. And threat actors successfully use email as an attack vector over and over again. In fact, over 90 percent of malware arrives via email. Hackers have upped their cyber attack strategies, but business email security often lags behind. Organizations must modernize their security practices. Business Email Security Predictions for 2024 To build an effective defense, security teams need to know the nature of the dangers they face. Experts have identified several key email threats for 2024, including the following: More sophisticated phishing attacks – Phishing attacks continue to evolve.

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Phishing in 2024: What the Lures Look Like and How Not to Get Caught

By |2024-04-03T09:21:45-04:00February 14th, 2024|AI, article, Blog Archive, Email security|

In the old days (that is, a couple of years ago), grammar mistakes and clumsy attempts to personalize signaled a possible phishing attack. Unwary users still got caught, but common sense and email filters provided pretty good protection. Phishing in 2024 has evolved to a more dangerous level, and both users and organizations need to strengthen their defenses. Recent studies show an alarming increase in phishing attacks. A study by Acronis, for instance, reports an increase of over 200% in email attacks just in the last six months. Despite being one of the oldest attack vectors, email remains one of

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