Link Data Governance and Cybersecurity to Protect Valuable Data Assets

By |2022-02-17T14:59:37-05:00June 23rd, 2021|Cyber-Security, Data Compliance, Information Governance and Management|

In today’s business environment, data ranks near the top of the list of most valuable assets. It drives development strategy, focuses marketing efforts, and even saves lives. Cyber criminals know well the value of data and its power to make or break an organization. Consequently, organizations must link data governance and cybersecurity to stay ahead of the game. Data Governance and Cybersecurity Defined Think of data governance and cybersecurity as overlapping circles. Though distinct concepts, they share common goals and depend on each other. Data governance involves an organization knowing what data it owns, where that data lives and who

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When Common Authentication Methods Fail to Protect Your Identity

By |2024-03-12T16:18:31-04:00June 9th, 2021|Cyber-Security, Safety and Cyber Security|

Recently published identity theft statistics paint a sobering picture. For instance, in the United States, identity theft rates have climbed twice as high as the global average. Every two seconds sees a new victim of identity theft, and standard authentication methods may not provide enough protection. No One Immune to Identity Theft Despite vigilant security habits, a small business owner recently discovered that thieves had stolen his identity. He enrolled in LifeLock but continued to experience problems that even interrupted his ability to do business effectively. Finally, he realized that the thieves had hijacked his smartphone. As a result, authentication

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Bridging the Cybersecurity Skills Gap Safeguards Critical Assets

By |2021-04-19T06:12:56-04:00April 12th, 2021|Cyber-Security|

In 2019, major news outlets reported the prediction that 3.5 million cybersecurity jobs would be left unfilled by 2021. And then the pandemic hit, throwing another wrench in the rapidly evolving threat landscape. To protect vital data assets, companies need to act quickly and decisively to address the cybersecurity skills gap within their organizations. As 2021 moves into the second quarter, we see that prediction being fulfilled. While the skills gap brings career opportunities for trained security professionals, it spells danger for organizations across the globe. Without effective cybersecurity, companies put critical data and processes at risk. Contributing Factors that

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State-backed Cyber Attacks Pose Dangerous Threat to Business

By |2021-04-19T06:21:59-04:00March 31st, 2021|Cyber-Security, Safety and Cyber Security|

In late 2020, a study showed that 80 percent of businesses worried about state-backed cyber attacks. Within weeks, the Russian-sponsored SolarWinds hack and the China-backed Microsoft Exchange hack came to light, confirming those concerns. Should businesses and individuals fear these attacks, or do they only affect government agencies? Lawless Frontier Invites Multiple Players In recent years, countries have increasingly turned to the cyber arena to conduct espionage and warfare. Unlike traditional warfare, very few international laws exist to govern cyber warfare. And, while Russia and China currently dominate the stage, smaller countries can also make a big impact with a

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7 Work from Home Security Tips to Include in Your Cybersecurity Checkup

By |2021-04-19T06:24:42-04:00March 24th, 2021|Cyber-Security|

  A full year after the pandemic began, studies suggest that remote work is here to stay. Over 40 percent of employees work remotely and plan to continue to do so indefinitely. With that in mind, organizations should take the pandemic anniversary as a time to conduct a cybersecurity checkup. Be sure to include these work from home security tips in the strategy moving forward. 1. Ensure Endpoint Security With an increasingly mobile workforce, the network perimeter has all but disappeared. Each laptop, tablet and smartphone that connects to the network adds another possible entryway for cyber criminals. Consequently, organizations

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Medical Identity Theft – When Your Health Is Their Wealth

By |2020-10-06T05:48:00-04:00August 9th, 2020|Cyber-Security|

Cybercriminals are giving a new meaning to the term ‘Health is Wealth’. Medical identity theft has victimized over 2.2 million people and that number is growing. Although medical identity theft is not something new, the increasing number of data breaches has increased the number of victims. What is Medical Identity Theft? Medical identity theft occurs when someone steals your personal information to get free medical care, medical devices or prescription drugs under your name. This is more dangerous than identity theft because medical identity theft not only ruins your finances, it can have terrible effects on your health. The information

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4 signs your healthcare organization is due for a network upgrade

By |2024-03-12T15:52:42-04:00August 9th, 2020|Cyber-Security|

Your competitors are ready to invest in modern IT infrastructure, so now is the right time to start lobbying your higher-ups for a network upgrade. The proof? According to Damon Consulting’s third annual Healthcare IT Demand Survey, infrastructure upgrades have ranked with AI and big data analytics as top spending priorities in recent years. So what does this mean for IT leaders? It translates to a strong business case for any network upgrade you might have on your own wishlist. If you’re still not convinced, here are four signs that you need to catch up with digitizing healthcare and leave behind

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7 Coronavirus related scams targeting your business

By |2020-06-11T13:37:38-04:00May 11th, 2020|Cyber-Security, Safety and Cyber Security|

We’ve warned consumers about Coronavirus related scams, but businesses are at risk, too. Keep your guard up against these seven B2B scams that try to exploit companies’ concerns about COVID-19. In addition to sharing this information with your employees and social networks, read on for how you can report Coronavirus scams to the FTC. Coronavirus related scams: "Public Health" Scams Fraudsters are sending messages that claim to be from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), World Health Organization (WHO), or other public health offices. They may ask for Social Security numbers, tax IDs, etc. Other variations direct you to

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5 File Sharing Best Practices to Protect Business Data at Home

By |2020-06-11T13:45:38-04:00April 29th, 2020|Cyber-Security, Data Compliance|

After several weeks of lockdown with its necessary work-from-home (WFH) conditions, we’ve all adapted fairly well to the WFH basics. We can access our company network and apps, post to the blog and gratefully check the status of our paychecks. Perhaps now is the time to check and improve the security of our business data by implementing some file sharing best practices. 1. Establish a Security-first Mindset With COVID-19 WFH policies, end users regularly conduct business via home computer, laptop or mobile device. As a result, the network perimeter has largely disappeared. Thus, an organization’s WFH security posture would be

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COVID-19 Phishing SCAMS: 5 ways to Protect Your Business

By |2020-06-11T13:49:00-04:00April 23rd, 2020|Cyber-Security, Safety and Cyber Security|

Since the COVID-19 pandemic began, cybercrime has increased by up to 300%. According to cyber security experts, a big part of that increase has come in the form of COVID-19 phishing scams. Now more than ever, organizations must remain hyper-vigilant to protect assets and employees from attack. With many employees working from home (WFH), everyone appears to be a target. With expanded security perimeters, reports of phishing attacks are way up, even within our own organization. Current COVID-19 Phishing Scams The most common COVID-19 phishing scams involve the sinister but effective method of spoofing authoritative sources. Often-spoofed organizations include the

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