Embrace Data Ethics as an Essential Part of Business Strategy

By |2020-10-06T05:07:27-04:00September 30th, 2020|Data Compliance, Information Governance and Management|

Not just a matter of regulatory compliance, highly regulated industries and others that are not must consider embracing data ethics as a component of their overall business strategy. The Data Ethics Problem According to Deloitte, 9.7 billion data records have been lost or stolen worldwide since 2013. And since it went into effect in 2018, consumers have filed more than 95,000 complaints relating to the EU’s GDPR statute. Despite advances, legislation is not keeping up with the ethical issues raised by the large volume and variety of data collected. Those issues are bound to impact data-heavy businesses where it hurts,

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Why Data Catalogs are Hot

By |2020-10-06T05:10:24-04:00September 17th, 2020|Data Compliance, Trending|

In today’s world of data, you often spend more time looking for data than analyzing it. That’s why enterprise-wide data catalogs that make data asset discovery straightforward now are a must. They broadly enable organizations to discover, register, enrich, understand, and utilize sprawling data sources. Data catalogs bring to light the undiscovered data within the organization, so that you spend more time analyzing and less time looking for data. Data catalogs enable users to: Discover data assets to unlock their potential Capture tribal knowledge to make data more understandable Bridge the gap between IT and the business Keep data where

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International and U.S. Data Protection Legislation Outlook

By |2024-02-23T08:32:37-05:00September 9th, 2020|Data Compliance, Information Governance and Management|

Setting the Stage In 2018, Europe’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) set the precedent for data and privacy regulations across Europe and other geographies. Back home, the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) took effect on January 1st, 2020. Other states and countries are sure to follow with similar data protection legislation. Significantly, the GDPR extended the EU’s jurisdiction beyond its borders. Thus, any business that sells to EU customers is subject to the GDPR, regardless of location. One of the broadest online privacy laws in the U.S., the CCPA regulates organizations nationwide that do business with California residents. In 2019,

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How to Solve COVID-19 Record Retention Issues

By |2020-10-06T05:45:20-04:00August 27th, 2020|Data Compliance, Information Governance and Management|

In a previous post, we heard from an IG expert about Leveraging Remote Talent to Optimize IG. Today, we share her views on dealing with COVID-19 record retention issues. Her direct experience in this area includes managing document control teams in healthcare research and laboratory companies. The Paper Records Problem Regulated industries like healthcare must follow strict rules on how long to keep records and what constitutes a true copy. The FDA publishes guidance on record retention in the healthcare industry. Despite modern digital options, many companies still choose to keep paper records. Most allow workers to scan them. But,

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How to do Quality Control and Compliance Recording in the Age of COVID-19, Zoom and Teams

By |2020-08-07T08:19:35-04:00July 15th, 2020|Data Compliance, Information Governance and Management, Trending|

We have all heard it. “This call may be monitored for quality assurance or compliance purposes.” Indeed, companies in various industries, including commodity brokerage, stocks, and investment management organizations, include compliance recording in their normal operations. They record calls and video conferences to minimize liability, ensure the quality of customer service, and improve workforce engagement. However, meeting governmental compliance and regulatory obligations remains the most compelling reason to record. Moving to the Cloud Call recording technology worked well when users connected through a PBX or isolated phone system and phone calls remained the norm. But the shift away from standard phone

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5 File Sharing Best Practices to Protect Business Data at Home

By |2020-06-11T13:45:38-04:00April 29th, 2020|Cyber-Security, Data Compliance|

After several weeks of lockdown with its necessary work-from-home (WFH) conditions, we’ve all adapted fairly well to the WFH basics. We can access our company network and apps, post to the blog and gratefully check the status of our paychecks. Perhaps now is the time to check and improve the security of our business data by implementing some file sharing best practices. 1. Establish a Security-first Mindset With COVID-19 WFH policies, end users regularly conduct business via home computer, laptop or mobile device. As a result, the network perimeter has largely disappeared. Thus, an organization’s WFH security posture would be

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4 Data Governance Tools that Protect and Power Vital Information Assets

By |2020-06-12T10:30:08-04:00April 1st, 2020|Cyber-Security, Data Compliance, Information Governance and Management|

Along with daffodils and Mardi Gras, spring 2020 brought a pandemic that has rocked the global economy and changed daily life. As organizations navigate the crisis, they depend on accurate, accessible and usable data to forecast the future and inform decisions. Data governance tools play an essential role in ensuring that businesses realize the full potential of data. For example, retail businesses need to respond in an agile way to changes in consumer buying habits. With up-to-date data, they can quickly analyze, and even anticipate, those changes. And with more employees working remotely, data governance tools help ensure that the

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6 Data Backup Best Practices to Increase Productivity and Secure Vital Intellectual Assets

By |2020-06-12T10:34:31-04:00March 18th, 2020|Data Compliance, Information Governance and Management|

You may have missed National Grammar Day or Dr. Seuss’s birthday. But organizations need to pay attention to one key March holiday. As World Backup Day approaches, take the opportunity to implement data backup best practices. Your business may depend on it. Today’s backup technology, including Azure Backup and Site Recovery, removes the pain from the process. Benefits of Regular, Reliable Backups Consider the threats to vital data, from stolen laptops to ransomware or failed hard drives. Lost data can cripple businesses and even affect the delivery of healthcare and other vital human services. On the other hand, regular backups

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Advancements in Data Encryption Up the Data Defense Game

By |2024-03-12T16:00:46-04:00March 5th, 2020|Cyber-Security, Data Compliance, Technology|

From credit card transactions to online loan applications and sensitive emails, billions of pieces of valuable information cross the internet every hour. Keeping that data safe from unauthorized access requires increasingly sophisticated tools. As the challenges to data security grow more intense, advancements in data encryption rise to meet them. In the movies, messengers transmitted important documents in a briefcase, handcuffed to the messenger’s wrist and accessible only via a key. The messenger made certain that no one tampered with the document during transit and that only the intended recipient opened the briefcase to retrieve and read its contents. Encryption

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5 Benefits of Data Governance for SMB Retailers

By |2020-06-01T09:02:09-04:00January 15th, 2020|Data Compliance, Information Governance and Management|

2020 ups the privacy ante for businesses in the United States, with tough new privacy laws taking effect in California and New York. Small businesses may qualify for exemptions from specific regulations. However, the focus on information management brings an opportunity to harness key business benefits of data governance for SMB retailers. 1. Protect Valuable Assets Just two years ago, The Economist pronounced the world’s most valuable resource to be not oil, but data. In retail, data powers all aspects of the business, from sales and marketing to HR and customer service. When retail businesses treat data as an asset,

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