PowerPoint makes creating and updating professional presentations a breeze. Still, many users have yet to explore some of the features that simplify the process of managing PowerPoint slides. Check out the following tips to take your presentations to the next level.

Slide Views Make Managing PowerPoint Slides Simple

PowerPoint includes multiple view options to simplify tasks like rearranging and editing slides. To access the various views, click View on the ribbon. For instance, users can:

  • Change slide order – While users can rearrange slides on the Normal view, the Slide Sorter view makes the task even easier. Slide Sorter shows thumbnails of each slide. Simply click and drag a slide to move it to a new location.
  • Delete specific slides – In Normal or Slide Sorter view, click the slide you want to delete. Then tap the Delete key.
  • Edit slide text and notes – Use Outline view to easily edit slide text or add notes. In Outline view, the left panel shows the text of all the slides in outline format. The current slide shows in the main panel, with space for notes underneath the slide. Notes will not show in the slide show, but you can choose to include them in a presentation printout.

Managing PowerPoint Slides

  • Hide or unhide slides – You may want to remove a slide from view temporarily without deleting it. In Normal or Slide Sorter view, right-click the slide you want to hide. On the drop-down menu, click Hide Slide. To unhide a slide, right-click the slide and Hide Slide again. Hidden slides show as gray with a slash through the slide number.

Customize Presentations for Multiple Audiences

The Custom Slide Show feature allows presenters to easily repurpose slides from one presentation to accommodate different audiences. For instance, a trainer may need to deliver a slightly different version of a class to multiple departments. PowerPoint allows users to create a new presentation using chosen slides from an existing slide deck.

To customize a presentation, click Slide Show on the ribbon. Then click Custom Slide Show and select Custom Shows. Click New and enter a title for the presentation. All the slides in the existing presentation display on the left. Simply select the slides to add to the custom slide show. Then rearrange the slides as desired.

Use Duplicate Slides to Quickly Create Similar Slides

When you need to create a slide similar to an existing slide, speed the process by starting with a copy of the first slide. In Normal view, just right-click the slide you want to copy. Then click Duplicate Slide. Edit the slide contents as necessary.

Use Master Slides to Make Bulk Edits

The Slide Master feature in PowerPoint helps presenters maintain a consistent look and feel throughout the presentation. And it simplifies edits. For instance, using Slide Master, you can easily change the look and feel of the whole presentation without editing each slide individually. While the feature requires some learning, it can save significant time and headaches.

Managing PowerPoint Slides

To access Slide Master, go to the View menu and click Slide Master. From here, you can quickly add common elements (such as a graphic, a color scheme or font choices) to all slides in the presentation. For instance, in a rebranding effort, marketing personnel can update the logo on dozens of slides with a single edit.

You can also edit design elements that apply just to specific slide layouts within a presentation. For instance, you could add a background shape that appears only on slides that use the section header layout.

Harness the Benefits of Microsoft 365

Microsoft continually upgrades its Office products to help users put their most professional foot forward. The Microsoft experts at Messaging Architects can help businesses with tips for managing PowerPoint slides and tapping into all the capabilities of Microsoft 365 securely and efficiently. From cloud migrations to cybersecurity services, we have you covered.

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