Proven Tools and Expertise Ensure Success in GroupWise to Office 365 Migration

By |2020-06-01T10:12:23-04:00September 6th, 2019|Email Migration, Office 365 and Migration|

Email migration strategies from Ross Phillips When a relatively small specialty hospital merged into a large healthcare organization, the organization faced the challenge of navigating a GroupWise to Office 365 migration. Needing to migrate 5,000 mailboxes smoothly, they turned to Messaging Architects, attracted by their reputation for fixing broken migrations. Tight Timeline and Unwieldy Mailboxes Present a Challenge Like many organizations using old email systems, the hospital had no expert on staff to ensure proper system configuration. With no one to run maintenance, primary mailboxes and personal archives had grown prohibitively large and cumbersome. To add complexity, some users owned

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Reduce Costs and Respond Quickly with Proactive eDiscovery

By |2020-05-22T04:55:57-04:00July 30th, 2019|eDiscovery, Information Governance and Management, Office 365 and Migration|

When a lawsuit appears likely, litigants typically receive an eDiscovery request. Within a strict deadline, they must deliver all relevant digital information for analysis and review. That data can include documents, emails, text messages, social media posts, databases and much more. Failure to deliver requested information within the time allotted can result in stiff penalties. Proactive eDiscovery makes the process smooth and trouble free. Envision an organization that has implemented the best practices of proactive eDiscovery. Rather than scrambling to find data when a lawsuit looms, they have followed comprehensive information governance strategies. Thus, they can respond to eDiscovery requests

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Safeguard Vital Assets with Mobile Workforce Security

By |2020-05-22T03:44:32-04:00July 18th, 2019|Office 365 and Migration, Safety and Cyber Security|

Mobile workforce security demands our attention. With a myriad of advantages for both employees and the companies they work for, it should come as no surprise that forecasters predict that by 2023, mobile workers will account for over 43 percent of the global workforce. Employees gain the flexibility of working from anywhere at any time. Businesses also benefit from increased productivity and decreased response times. At the same time, the mobile environment opens the door for increasing cyber-attacks. For instance, a hacker who gains access to an employee phone can potentially reach sensitive data inside the enterprise network. Organizations therefore

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Office 365 Tip: Sharing links instead of sending copies

By |2023-03-17T13:27:29-04:00July 9th, 2019|Office 365 and Migration|

Discover how to save some space and increase your productivity with this Office 365 Tip! Ready to send off a file attachment to your colleagues for their review and feedback? Wait a second, because there’s a better way in Office 365 to more easily and seamlessly collaborate with others on the same document or project. Don’t send copies – send a link instead! The trick is to use OneDrive to store your files and then share a link with everyone to the file (or even a folder with multiple items). Just save your file in OneDrive and you can use

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3 Ways Office 365 Administration Boosts Security and Efficiency

By |2020-05-22T04:26:26-04:00June 18th, 2019|Email Management Tips, Office 365 and Migration|

Office 365 administration tips from Andrew Soosai You already know that Office 365 for Business delivers versatile solutions for teams and individuals. Teams collaborate easily across distance. Furthermore, individuals can begin work on one device and continue seamlessly on another. Office 365 administration also offers significant benefits that make your organization more secure and productive. Consider today’s workforce. A growing number of employees work remotely at least part of the time. Hence, most use multiple devices to accomplish their work, from desktop computers to tablets, laptops and smart phones. Indeed, this complex environment requires powerful, secure solutions that are as

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