Legal Insights into eDiscovery Solutions Clarify the eDiscovery Landscape in 2024

By |2024-12-10T08:22:46-05:00October 30th, 2024|article, Blog Archive, eDiscovery|

eDiscovery solutions have transformed the litigation process. They offer the potential for improved collaboration between legal teams and clients, as well as more accurate and timely case assessments.  But choosing the right tool for your company’s needs can prove challenging. These legal insights into eDiscovery solutions offer essential guidance in vendor selection. Comprehensive Data Collection The sheer volume of data generated daily continues to pose a significant challenge to eDiscovery. Legal teams must consider massive amounts of data from a wide variety of sources that can include everything from email to social media, cloud storage, videos, text messages, and the

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Understanding Access Control: The Keystone of Data Security

By |2024-08-26T14:41:43-04:00July 31st, 2024|article, Blog Archive, Cyber-Security, Safety and Cyber Security|

Last year saw a record number of data breaches, with millions of individuals and businesses affected. Hackers continually evolve their attack methods, while organizations struggle to keep pace with their data security strategies. Companies must pay particular attention to understanding access control if they are to safeguard valuable data assets. Fundamental to any successful cyber security strategy, access control determines who can access data and other digital resources and under what conditions. When implemented properly, it both reduces the likelihood of costly data breaches and helps the organization comply with strict data privacy standards. Types of Access Control Access control

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6-Step Plan for Data Incident Management Critical for Business Success

By |2025-01-13T16:18:35-05:00July 24th, 2024|article, Blog Archive, Cyber-Security, Safety and Cyber Security|

Cyber incidents will happen, even in highly secure organizations. Just ask the Department of Homeland Security and the Pentagon, which were both compromised in the SolarWinds attack in 2020. And in an increasingly regulated digital environment, the stakes keep getting higher. Plan for data incident management now and save headaches later. These steps will help. But first, know the signs that indicate a potential data incident, as early detection is key. These signs can include: Anomalies – Check out any unusual system activity, such as a surge in login attempts, system access from an unrecognized location, accounts locked or passwords

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Your Business Checklist for SOX 404 Compliance: A Guide for Information Technology Leaders

By |2024-05-24T17:02:25-04:00May 15th, 2024|article, Cyber-Security, Data Compliance|

The Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) of 2002 applies to all publicly traded companies and mandates strict controls around financial data. Section 404 of SOX can prove particularly complex, and in today’s digital landscape, addressing these requirements necessitates substantial IT involvement. This business checklist for SOX 404 compliance will help ease the process. SOX requires that companies establish internal controls over financial reporting (ICFR). However, it stops short of outlining specific practices. Thus, several frameworks have emerged over time to help companies organize their compliance efforts. These frameworks tend to include several key elements of particular importance to IT efforts: Risk assessment

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Top 5 Questions to Ask a Prospective eDiscovery Vendor

By |2024-05-13T15:00:07-04:00May 1st, 2024|article, eDiscovery|

In today’s data-driven world, litigation often hinges on electronically stored information (ESI). The choice of an eDiscovery vendor is critical, as it can significantly impact the efficiency, cost, and outcome of legal proceedings. These questions to ask a prospective eDiscovery vendor will help to ensure you make an informed decision. Before embarking on the selection process, take time to understand your organization’s eDiscovery needs. Consider the volume of data, the types of cases you handle, and the capabilities you have in-house. Once you have developed a picture of your data environment and your business needs around eDiscovery, take time to

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What is the Role of Cyber Security in Protecting Personal Data?

By |2024-04-03T09:13:21-04:00March 19th, 2024|article, Blog Archive, Cyber-Security, Data Compliance|

Businesses and public organizations depend on big data to provide personalized services, to innovate, and to guide business strategy. But they also have a legal and ethical responsibility to keep sensitive data safe. Business leaders cannot afford to underestimate or under-resource the role of cyber security in protecting personal data. The average business or municipal organization manages an astonishing amount of personal data. This includes health, financial, and employment data, of course. It also includes names, biometrics, Social Security numbers, contact information, and other identifiers. While individuals surrender personal information as a matter of course when transacting business, they expect

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How Hackers Get Company Data

By |2022-05-02T02:49:28-04:00March 30th, 2022|Cyber-Security|

Recently, corporate giants Microsoft, Samsung and Okta revealed that hackers breached their systems. While high-profile attacks like these make global news, SMBs silently fall prey to hackers daily. But when companies understand how hackers get company data, they can strengthen their defenses. Undeniably, cyber criminals grow more sophisticated every day. They run their hacking operations like corporations and constantly improve their tools and techniques. Too often, however, organizations simply leave the door wide open for bad actors. Unpatched software, weak passwords and a lack of security awareness offer an open invitation to attack. Unpatched Software Leaves Vulnerabilities Hackers constantly look

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Should You Call a Business or Technology Consultant for Cybersecurity?

By |2022-03-28T02:31:28-04:00March 23rd, 2022|Cyber-Security, Information Governance and Management|

Increasingly sophisticated cyber-attacks, combined with a hybrid workforce and constantly evolving privacy regulations, create a complex risk environment. As a result, many organizations have turned to consultants to tighten their cybersecurity posture. But technology skills alone prove insufficient when choosing a consultant for cybersecurity. For instance, an MSP may offer multiple cybersecurity certifications and a tool bag of cutting-edge tools. However, if they do not understand your industry and the business processes involved, the solutions they implement may not provide the protection you need. And a consultant with a business background can provide added benefits. Risk Assessment Needs to Include

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Business Leaders Invest in the Future with SMB Cybersecurity Best Practices

By |2022-03-28T02:34:59-04:00March 16th, 2022|Cyber-Security, Email Policy|

Hackers looking for easy access to valuable data know that small to midsize businesses (SMBs) often skimp on security measures. Consequently, bad actors can cripple unprepared organizations, frequently gaining entry by compromising email. But savvy business owners protect business assets with SMB cybersecurity best practices. SMB Cybersecurity Best Practices Start with Investment Business owners lose sleep over cybersecurity, and for good reason. Nearly half of reported data breaches affected SMBs, and most SMBs lack the resources to respond effectively. But by planning ahead and addressing vulnerabilities before they get exploited, organizations ensure the best possible outcomes. Begin with a security

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Should Retailers Purchase Cyber Insurance to Mitigate Ransomware Risk?

By |2022-02-23T15:08:29-05:00January 19th, 2022|Cyber-Security, Safety and Cyber Security|

According to a recent report, 44 percent of retail organizations suffered ransomware attacks in 2020. And attacks increased in 2021. With the average cost of a single ransomware attack reaching nearly $2 million, many retail businesses have looked to cyber insurance to offset the risk. But the choice of whether or not to purchase cyber insurance requires careful consideration. As the threat landscape changes, insurance companies have also had to change their approach. Cyber insurance can prove costly. And it does not prevent attacks, merely helps recovery. In fact, some experts warn that purchasing this type of insurance can even

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