3 Reasons Organizations Need an Email Policy and How to Build a Good One

By |2020-06-01T09:13:38-04:00December 11th, 2019|Email Management Tips, Email Policy, Safety and Cyber Security|

Despite of the proliferation of messaging apps and video conferencing, email remains the preferred method for business communication. It offers simplicity, flexibility and immediacy. At the same time, email introduces substantial risk to an organization. A well-crafted email policy helps businesses tap into the benefits of email while mitigating the risks. For example, with a single email, a team leader can instantly communicate with her entire team. She can attach project files to the email and link the information to a calendar event. Any responses become part of a permanent conversation. Months later, an employee can reference that conversation with

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Outlook Tips for Former GroupWise Users

By |2020-01-29T08:04:53-05:00October 23rd, 2019|Office 365 and Migration|

Your organization has just migrated from GroupWise to Office 365. You love the collaborative benefits of working in the cloud, and Outlook offers a ton of great features to make your work life easier. At the same time, getting used to a new email system can prove a little confusing. Here are some handy Outlook tips to get you started. Streamline Email for Efficiency Add rules – Any rules you created in GroupWise will not migrate over. But you can quickly create rules in Outlook. For example, you can tell Outlook to mark all emails from your manager as Important

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Email Etiquette and Guidelines to Survive and Prosper

By |2020-06-01T10:20:28-04:00July 9th, 2019|Email Management Tips|

Email etiquette tips from Greg Smith Most organizations provide their employees with a corporate email address and email services. Email is pervasive across the organization. And, because it bears the name of the company, it can bring risk if improperly used. Thus, proper email etiquette should be taught and practiced. The words Email and Communication are not always synonymous. Just like language, email is a communication tool as well as a conveyance for other types of information. Communication is sometimes a precarious thing and miscommunication a great source of friction and potential mistakes. While it is impossible to train individuals

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