Best Proven Methods to Repair PST Files in Microsoft Outlook

By |2024-05-29T15:03:01-04:00May 29th, 2024|article, Blog Archive, Email Management Tips|

Millions of individuals and businesses around the world depend on Microsoft Outlook as a core business tool. Consequently, when the email system fails to perform as expected, productivity drops. One of the most common problems Outlook users experience involves corrupted PST files. Thus, understanding the best proven methods to repair PST files becomes vital. PST (personal storage table) refers to a file format that Microsoft Outlook uses to store certain types of data locally.  This data can include information such as email messages, contacts, calendar events, and tasks. PST files allow you to use this information even when you work

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Email Organization Tips Help Busy Professionals Reclaim Vital Work Hours

By |2024-04-03T10:50:15-04:00January 24th, 2024|Email Management Tips, Email Policy, Microsoft 365|

Most workdays start with a morning cup of coffee and precious time lost while sifting through the dreaded inbox. More messages arrive throughout the day, continually interrupting the workflow. Busy professionals lose 10 to 15 hours every week to email, but these email organization tips will help reduce stress, enhance productivity, and improve communication. Create and Follow a Clear Inbox Policy Without a clear plan for how to approach email, many users find themselves checking email constantly and responding to unimportant messages. Worse, important information gets lost in a cluttered inbox. Establishing and maintaining a definitive policy for addressing email

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4 Common Email Migration Mistakes…and How to Avoid Them

By |2024-04-03T09:32:28-04:00January 17th, 2024|Email Migration|

A botched email migration means Monday morning chaos. Users log in, only to realize half their emails have disappeared, they cannot locate important information, or they struggle to complete ordinary tasks. Worse, they find the system inaccessible. Common email migration mistakes mean downtime, data loss, and frustrated users. With careful planning, however, this scene never needs to play out. When organizations ask the right questions, choose their tools and process wisely, and communicate effectively, migrations run smoothly. Consider the following common mistakes many organizations make when migrating to a new email system, along with tips on how to avoid making

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Bogged Down with Email? These Popular Microsoft Outlook Features Will Help

By |2024-04-03T10:51:08-04:00January 10th, 2024|Email Management Tips, Email Policy|

Email powers communication and provides an effective way for businesses to connect with customers and stakeholders. It serves as an important record of conversations and transactions. But it also eats up valuable time. According to a study by McKinsey, office workers spend 28% of their workweek on email. Consider these Microsoft Outlook features that automate routine email tasks and help busy professionals reclaim their hours. Compose Now, Send Later Email timing makes a difference. For instance, send an email to a coworker at the beginning of their weeklong vacation, and it will get buried in hundreds of emails. Likewise, sending

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How to Whitelist Email in Office 365 Security and Compliance

By |2023-07-28T08:14:05-04:00July 26th, 2023|Cyber-Security, Email Management Tips, Email Policy, Office 365 and Migration|

Whitelisting allows selected email addresses or domains to bypass spam filters and reach the intended recipients. Knowing how to whitelist email in Office 365 Security and Compliance ensures that important messages from trusted senders are not blocked or marked as junk by Security and Compliance features. Improve Deliverability, Visibility, and User Experience Whitelisting improves the deliverability and visibility of important messages from trusted senders, such as customers, partners, vendors, or internal communications. It also reduces the risk of missing or overlooking critical information due to spam filtering or user actions, such as deleting or ignoring junk mail. Whitelisting also enhances

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How to Create a Business Email Signature in Outlook and Design Tips

By |2023-04-27T09:53:34-04:00April 19th, 2023|Email Management Tips, Microsoft 365|

Most professionals send dozens of emails every day. Thus, neglecting to take the time to create a business email signature means missing a critical opportunity to connect. A well-crafted signature provides crucial contact details and much more. For instance, the signature can increase brand awareness, generate leads and drive traffic to your website. What to Include in a Business Email Signature In addition to essential contact details, your email signature can include anything from social media links to a favorite quote. Before you create your signature, consider what image you want to portray and what you want recipients to know

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Read Email Faster with Outlook Reading Pane and Other Productivity Tips

By |2022-03-14T09:59:06-04:00March 9th, 2022|Email Management Tips, Microsoft 365|

Far more than just an email program, Microsoft Outlook delivers essential tools to help users make the most out of their time at work. By adjusting options for the Outlook reading pane, folder pane, and to-do bar, users read email faster and see at a glance upcoming appointments, frequent contacts and key tasks. Typically, when users open Outlook, they see the folders pane on the far left, followed by the message preview area, and reading pane if displayed. The optional to-do bar shows on the far right. Because everyone works differently, Outlook includes several options to customize that dashboard. For

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7 Common Email Mistakes That Kill Your Professionalism… And How to Avoid Them

By |2022-03-14T10:03:58-04:00March 2nd, 2022|Cyber-Security, Email Management Tips, Email Policy|

The average worker spends hours checking and responding to email each day. Unfortunately, that critical business tool can also prove dangerous. Consider the damage of a scathing email sent to the wrong person or sensitive information leaking outside the company. Save your reputation, and maybe even your career, by avoiding these all-too-common email mistakes. Using Email When Another Method Works Better Email works great for non-urgent communication, for communicating with groups of people and for maintaining a documentation trail. For instance, email may be just the ticket for communicating follow-up details to team members after a meeting. On the other

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Understanding Microsoft 365 Mailboxes Improves Efficiency and Saves Money

By |2021-04-19T06:16:34-04:00April 8th, 2021|Email Management Tips, Email Policy, Office 365 and Migration|

Microsoft 365 offers several different types of mailboxes and collaboration tools. For instance, certain specialty mailboxes facilitate scheduling or allow shared access. Understanding the different types of Microsoft 365 mailboxes and related tools will help businesses communicate more efficiently and can even save license costs. The six main types of mailboxes include: Mailbox (requires paid license) Distribution Group (Free) Resource (Free) Contacts (Free) Shared (Free) Microsoft 365 Groups (Free) Mailbox (requires paid license) When organizations purchase any Microsoft 365 subscription that includes Exchange Online, each licensed user receives a mailbox. This is the mailbox that users add to their various

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3 Email Security Threats and How to Safeguard Your Business in 2020

By |2020-06-01T09:11:52-04:00December 18th, 2019|Cyber-Security, Email Management Tips, Email Policy|

Email security threats play a major role in the cyber battleground. In fact, most companies report they encountered email-based attacks in the past year. In addition, CSO Online reports that 92 percent of malware finds its way into the network via email. To protect their business and their customers, organizations need to anticipate email security threats and develop corresponding strategies. Experts predict that for 2020, major threats to email cyber security will include spear phishing, cloud-targeting ransomware and insufficient password measures. Spear Phishing Phishing attacks remain the primary cause of data breaches. In these attacks, criminals pose as legitimate business

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