Electronic Communications Policy Review Improves Compliance and Reduces Risk

By |2022-08-11T05:51:51-04:00August 10th, 2022|Data Compliance, Email Policy|

Advances in communication drive collaboration and efficiency. Teams work together easily over distance, moving seamlessly among email, virtual meetings, and messaging. However, the unstructured data generated in that communication can prove a significant liability without effective data governance. A comprehensive electronic communications policy helps reduce risk. For instance, regulations like HIPAA, CCPA and numerous financial privacy laws strictly govern the handling of sensitive data. An organization that allows improper sharing of personal data can incur stiff penalties. Likewise, during the process of litigation, companies may be required to compile relevant electronic data as evidence. Organizations need to determine what data

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Why Data Compliance Monitoring is Essential to Manage Risk

By |2022-08-22T10:33:28-04:00August 2nd, 2022|Data Compliance, Microsoft 365, Technology|

Highly regulated industries such as healthcare and finance need to know where sensitive data resides and how it is used and shared. However, that data can live almost anywhere in the organization. Automated data compliance monitoring gives companies the visibility and control that they need to both ensure compliance and improve security. Unstructured Data Poses Significant Risk Much of an organization’s most dangerous digital property hides in unstructured data. This includes data sprinkled in formats such as emails, instant messages, PDF files, and videos. Experts estimate that unstructured data currently makes up about 80 percent of enterprise data. That massive

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Discover How PowerPoint Accessibility Features Engage a Broader Audience

By |2022-08-11T05:58:05-04:00July 27th, 2022|Microsoft 365|

Including a PowerPoint presentation when delivering content engages the audience on multiple levels, increasing understanding and participation. However, audience members with visual or hearing impairments or people who speak other languages may miss critical elements. PowerPoint accessibility features help to ensure everyone can access the content. For instance, consider the scenario in which a team member shares a presentation that uses complex infographics to depict critical information. A visually impaired colleague using a screen reader may miss key points of the presentation. Keep in mind these accessibility best practices when preparing presentations, whether presenting live or sharing presentations for on

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Compliance Technology Eases Growing Cyber Security and Compliance Challenges

By |2022-08-11T06:01:01-04:00July 20th, 2022|Cyber-Security, Data Compliance, Technology|

In reaction to an evolving digital landscape and demands from consumers, experts predict millions of new regulations in the next decade. Maintaining and demonstrating compliance with multiple regulatory frameworks can prove costly and overwhelmingly complicated. Fortunately, modern compliance technology can significantly ease the burden of ensuring regulatory compliance. Non-compliance can bring significant consequences, including stiff fines and loss of reputation and business. However, staying on top of a constantly evolving regulatory environment can quickly exhaust time and resources. Technologies such as artificial intelligence, machine learning and Microsoft Purview free up internal resources to focus on core business goals. Increasing Compliance

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Streamline Email Governance with a Midsummer Fitness Check

By |2022-08-11T06:03:35-04:00July 13th, 2022|Email Management Tips, Email Policy|

Many organizations have a love/hate relationship with email. On the one hand, email remains the cornerstone of business communication. On the other, without diligent oversight, it can quickly become not only a time sink, but also a security and compliance liability. Spending some quality time on email governance can make the difference. Automate Email Policies A midsummer IT fitness checkup provides the perfect opportunity to review and update email policies. A well-crafted email policy both improves regulatory compliance and streamlines the archive to ease the eDiscovery process down the road. But policies require periodic adjustments to keep up with regulatory

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The Future of Email as a Business Communication Tool

By |2022-07-27T11:15:37-04:00July 6th, 2022|Email Policy|

Today’s business community uses a wide variety of communication platforms, from chat to Microsoft Teams and social media. However, email use continues to climb. Email delivers convenience, provides an information trail, and gives users control over their messages. The future of email appears bright. But as email evolves, businesses need to adapt. Email Challenges When email arrived on the scene in the 1970s, developers could only begin to imagine how the tool would change over time. 25 MB size limitations seemed impossibly large when the average computer drive held less than 200 MB. Now, users who need to send a

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Cyber Security and Data Governance Best Practices for Today’s Data Environment

By |2022-07-12T14:29:55-04:00June 29th, 2022|Cyber-Security, Information Governance and Management|

A network of hurdles dominates the current data environment. Rapid data growth makes data difficult to manage. Meanwhile, cyber-attacks grow increasingly sophisticated and frequent, while remote work and cloud migration complicate the security landscape. Now, more than ever, cyber security and data governance best practices play a critical role. In 2020, the world generated approximately 2.5 quintillion (that’s 2.5 billion billion) bytes of data. Data analytics hold a world of promise. However, the data comes so quickly and in such volume that organizations struggle to harness its value and keep it safe. Data governance thus becomes a critical priority. Organizations

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Check Out These New Outlook Features and Some Exciting Options You Probably Missed

By |2022-07-12T14:30:03-04:00June 22nd, 2022|Email Management Tips, Microsoft 365|

Recently, Microsoft announced several new Outlook features that will soon become available in Outlook for Windows. Some of these features were already available in the web version, so this will bring a more unified experience across platforms. Explore these upcoming features and other exciting options you may have missed along the way. Keep in mind that feature availability differs among various versions of Outlook. That is, features available in the web version may not yet appear in the desktop version, and vice versa. Additionally, Microsoft typically makes options available in a rolling fashion, so some customers will receive them earlier

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Exchange Server vNext Means On-Premises Exchange Customers Not Forced to the Cloud

By |2022-06-23T08:29:02-04:00June 15th, 2022|Email Migration|

In early June, Microsoft announced a key development affecting thousands of on-premises Exchange customers. When 2021 came and went without the promised new version of Exchange Server, customers feared they would be forced to migrate to the cloud. Now however, Microsoft has released a new roadmap that includes Exchange Server vNext. According to Microsoft, vNext will become available at the end of 2025, just as earlier versions reach end of support. The June 2 announcement offers rudimentary details about the upcoming version, with a promise of more to come. Microsoft also strongly emphasizes the importance of upgrading to Exchange 2019

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Tips for Migrating Records Management Systems to Microsoft 365

By |2022-06-23T08:29:10-04:00June 8th, 2022|Information Governance and Management, Microsoft 365|

As companies shift information and work processes to the cloud, they must also plan carefully for migrating records management systems. Records management works differently in Microsoft 365 and other cloud platforms than in legacy systems. Consequently, organizations need to involve the right people, conduct in depth analysis, and outline a detailed plan before migrating. Involve Key People Early Migrating to the cloud involves much more than simply moving files and mailboxes. Legacy records management systems also include the accompanying structure, from metadata to audit trails, that determines the information lifecycle. And increasingly strict government and industry standards make records management

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