What to Know Before Migrating Archives to Office 365

By |2020-08-07T08:13:38-04:00July 22nd, 2020|Email Migration, Office 365 and Migration|

By Greg Smith Before Making the Leap Many organizations making the leap to Office 365 for their business services also choose to migrate their legacy data. Whether from existing mail systems or third-party archiving systems, they find little objection to migrating archives to Office 365 because the excessive data storage costs nothing. In addition, Microsoft provides eDiscovery tools around that data, depending on licensing. Before you make the leap, take the time to understand the facts about archives and the way Office 365 handles data. Traditionally, organizations wishing to retain older emails for eDiscovery and free up space from their

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How to do Quality Control and Compliance Recording in the Age of COVID-19, Zoom and Teams

By |2020-08-07T08:19:35-04:00July 15th, 2020|Data Compliance, Information Governance and Management, Trending|

We have all heard it. “This call may be monitored for quality assurance or compliance purposes.” Indeed, companies in various industries, including commodity brokerage, stocks, and investment management organizations, include compliance recording in their normal operations. They record calls and video conferences to minimize liability, ensure the quality of customer service, and improve workforce engagement. However, meeting governmental compliance and regulatory obligations remains the most compelling reason to record. Moving to the Cloud Call recording technology worked well when users connected through a PBX or isolated phone system and phone calls remained the norm. But the shift away from standard phone

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Navigate the COVID-19 Digital Transformation with Solid Information Governance

By |2020-08-07T08:32:30-04:00June 30th, 2020|Information Governance and Management|

Quickly adapting to the changing conditions arising from the COVID-19 pandemic is a matter of survival for many organizations. Indeed, work-from-home (WFH) technology and policies provide a lifeline for companies and employees alike. Thus, a COVID-19 digital transformation is well underway. Roadmap Needed Companies must be agile to survive shocks and changes in markets and consumer behavior to ensure their long-term success. Yet, remote work requires long-term strategies to generate the efficiency and anywhere access required. Corporate cloud migrations and office space resizing come to mind. Hence, organizations should develop a digital transformation roadmap to ensure that they arrive at

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How to Choose the Best Cloud Archiving Solution

By |2020-08-07T08:58:29-04:00June 30th, 2020|Information Governance and Management|

Regulatory compliance requires that various historical records be retained while current conditions demand efficient and secure remote access. Thus, organizations with legacy archiving systems reaching end of life or that lack modern functionality should acquire the best cloud archiving solution to meet those requirements. There is no question that a cloud archiving solution saves in systems and storage costs over the on-premises variety. Add in the benefits of immediate scalability, availability, increased security, and disaster recovery, and cloud archiving develops a compelling value proposition. But which cloud archiving solution? In this post, we consider eGovernance Cloud and the factors of

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eGovernance Cloud Delivers Connected, Scalable and Secure Archiving

By |2022-02-17T14:39:54-05:00June 24th, 2020|Information Governance and Management|

Legacy archiving systems approaching end-of-life or that no longer provide modern functionality challenge many organizations. Eventually, the drawbacks of a legacy archiving solution will overshadow the benefits to the business. A modern solution, eGovernance Cloud from Messaging Architects, offers connected, scalable, cost efficient and secure archiving. Connected Working from the cloud allows connected users to work anytime from anywhere. With more and more staff working remotely, easy access to the tools and information needed for individuals and organizations to perform their assigned roles becomes critical. The Cloud removes the pain arising from lack of access and inadequate distribution by allowing

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How to Achieve the New Normal Office Productivity During COVID-19

By |2020-08-31T12:13:02-04:00June 17th, 2020|Office 365 and Migration, Technology|

With phased business re-openings and ongoing COVID-19 social distancing, business leaders must find ways to improve financial performance to cover losses. Thus, a new normal office productivity is taking shape. Simple and effective productivity improvements implemented now aim to make a difference. In a previous post, eMazzanti Technologies (our parent company) identified several changes business leaders could adopt to increase productivity when workers return. Implementing those changes now will help you get a jump on improving performance. So, ponder these quick and affordable productivity enhancers with a couple of bold ideas thrown in: Wireless Headsets A headset frees up your

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How to Reduce Archiving Costs with eGovernance Cloud

By |2020-08-07T09:14:36-04:00June 10th, 2020|eDiscovery, Information Governance and Management|

Organizations nursing legacy archiving systems that face end-of-life or no longer provide modern functionality must decide. Regulatory compliance demands the retention of historical records. Should they reduce archiving costs by moving legacy archives to the cloud or continue to maintain costly existing systems. Sooner or later, the limitations of a legacy archiving solution will outweigh the benefits it provides. Outdated systems rack up costs in several ways, including a lack of technical support, expensive upgrades, and an inability to support today’s file types. Furthermore, they bring compliance challenges, require costly additional storage, and lack modern search capabilities. Why Archive in

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3 trends transforming the modern workplace

By |2020-08-07T09:25:43-04:00June 8th, 2020|Office 365 and Migration, Trending|

Three trends transforming the modern workplace. Advances in technology and shifting workforce demographics are creating a more fluid work environment, redefining what productivity looks like, and empowering individuals to work smarter. With an influx of new talent that values experiences, continued learning, and collaboration over financial compensation, leadership will have to take a forward-looking approach to restructuring the workplace landscape. Innovative technologies can help all organizations respond to workplace trends and create dynamic environments that incentivize and empower the next generation of employees. Encouraging and accommodating remote workers In the modern workforce, out of sight doesn’t mean out of mind.

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Meet the Smaller Post-COVID-19 Office Space

By |2024-06-20T13:03:55-04:00May 27th, 2020|Office 365 and Migration, Trending|

COVID-19 will end at some future date. Either a vaccine, effective treatment, herd immunity, or all three will relegate it to the historical dustbin of bad things that came and went. Its effects will last much longer, likely resulting in a generally smaller post-COVID-19 office space. In the short-term, safety concerns will prevail. The need for space to keep employees further apart will likely balance out lower in-office counts resulting from increased work from home (WFH). Long-term forces could reveal a different picture. Offices might very well shrink due to permanent support for increased WFH and the elimination of server

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3 More Microsoft 365 Features that Former GroupWise Users Will Love

By |2020-08-07T09:37:16-04:00May 20th, 2020|Email Migration, Office 365 and Migration|

Organizations around the world migrate to the cloud for all the right reasons. They look for scalability, mobility and reduced IT burden. And with powerful Microsoft 365 features, they also benefit from unparalleled collaboration and robust security. In a previous post, we highlighted Microsoft 365’s business-grade video conferencing, Microsoft Teams Live Events and dependable security and privacy. If you need more reasons to migrate from GroupWise, here are three additional Microsoft 365 features that might help tip the scales. 1. Microsoft 365 Groups In the old days, organizations used email distribution lists to communicate within a team. Groups in Microsoft

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