4 Data Governance Tools that Protect and Power Vital Information Assets

By |2020-06-12T10:30:08-04:00April 1st, 2020|Cyber-Security, Data Compliance, Information Governance and Management|

Along with daffodils and Mardi Gras, spring 2020 brought a pandemic that has rocked the global economy and changed daily life. As organizations navigate the crisis, they depend on accurate, accessible and usable data to forecast the future and inform decisions. Data governance tools play an essential role in ensuring that businesses realize the full potential of data. For example, retail businesses need to respond in an agile way to changes in consumer buying habits. With up-to-date data, they can quickly analyze, and even anticipate, those changes. And with more employees working remotely, data governance tools help ensure that the

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Coronavirus Phishing Attacks Target Remote Workers

By |2020-06-12T10:32:00-04:00March 24th, 2020|Cyber-Security, Safety and Cyber Security|

Spurred by social distancing orders, the American workforce is returning home. In fact, Netskope Threat Labs reports that 58 percent of users worked remotely last week. This compares with an average of 27 percent prior to the pandemic. Unfortunately, researchers have also recorded a corresponding spike in coronavirus phishing attacks. Cyber criminals love a crisis, from terror attacks to natural disasters. Using emotional appeals and a sense of urgency, they trick users into surrendering sensitive information or unknowingly downloading malware. And most of the time, they use email to launch the attack. Remote Work Raises the Risk While advances in

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6 Data Backup Best Practices to Increase Productivity and Secure Vital Intellectual Assets

By |2020-06-12T10:34:31-04:00March 18th, 2020|Data Compliance, Information Governance and Management|

You may have missed National Grammar Day or Dr. Seuss’s birthday. But organizations need to pay attention to one key March holiday. As World Backup Day approaches, take the opportunity to implement data backup best practices. Your business may depend on it. Today’s backup technology, including Azure Backup and Site Recovery, removes the pain from the process. Benefits of Regular, Reliable Backups Consider the threats to vital data, from stolen laptops to ransomware or failed hard drives. Lost data can cripple businesses and even affect the delivery of healthcare and other vital human services. On the other hand, regular backups

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3 Ways the Paperless Office Aids Information Governance

By |2020-06-12T10:40:01-04:00March 12th, 2020|Information Governance and Management, Office 365 and Migration|

3 Ways the Paperless Office Aids Information Governance As far back as 1975, a writer for Business Week predicted the paperless office. While the vision of a PC on every desk came true, paper use in offices around the world continues to climb. In fact, recent estimates suggest that the average office worker in the United States uses 10,000 sheets of paper a year. Much of that paper winds up in the trash within hours. Even more importantly, endless paper files leave sensitive information difficult to locate, organize and secure. In an age increasingly dominated by concerns about data privacy

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Advancements in Data Encryption Up the Data Defense Game

By |2024-03-12T16:00:46-04:00March 5th, 2020|Cyber-Security, Data Compliance, Technology|

From credit card transactions to online loan applications and sensitive emails, billions of pieces of valuable information cross the internet every hour. Keeping that data safe from unauthorized access requires increasingly sophisticated tools. As the challenges to data security grow more intense, advancements in data encryption rise to meet them. In the movies, messengers transmitted important documents in a briefcase, handcuffed to the messenger’s wrist and accessible only via a key. The messenger made certain that no one tampered with the document during transit and that only the intended recipient opened the briefcase to retrieve and read its contents. Encryption

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Improve Security and Compliance by Migrating PST Files

By |2020-06-12T16:20:34-04:00February 26th, 2020|Email Migration, Email Policy|

Once upon a time, all major email systems used “personal storage tables,” commonly known as PST files. In fact, many organizations still use them to back up or archive email data. However, that practice no longer makes sense in today’s compliance-conscious and security-focused environment. Instead, consider migrating PST files to Office 365 or other centrally managed archival solution. Why Organizations Should Eliminate PST Files PST files once performed a vital function. Twenty years ago, network connections proved unreliable and slow, and online storage cost a great deal. With PST files, users could store email locally. Thus, even if the network

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Migrating from Exchange 2010 to Improve Security and Productivity

By |2020-06-15T10:36:11-04:00February 19th, 2020|Email Migration|

Last fall, Microsoft announced that it would extend the end-of-life date for Exchange 2010 until October 2020. While the announcement brought a measure of relief for organizations under a time crunch, October will arrive in no time. If you have not already upgraded, now is the time to get started with your Exchange migration. To help you plan your migration, you need to understand the impact of Exchange 2010 end of life. Then, you will need to decide the best migration path for your organization. That is, you can stay on-premises and upgrade to Office 2019. Or, you can take

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Pain free Legacy Archive Migrations

By |2020-06-15T10:40:33-04:00February 12th, 2020|Email Migration, Office 365 and Migration|

In the early 2000s, spurred by the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, companies turned their focus to email archiving. On-premises archiving solutions such as EMC SourceOne and Enterprise Vault dominated the scene until 2010. Now, as many of these systems reach end of life, companies must navigate legacy archive migrations or risk losing critical information. Explore the Options Organizations with legacy archive systems must make a choice. These solutions no longer provide necessary functionality. At the same time, regulatory compliance demands email retention, leaving companies with limited options for addressing data in legacy systems. One option involves migrating the entire email archive to

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Determine the Future of Your Legacy Email Archiving Solution

By |2020-06-15T10:42:02-04:00February 5th, 2020|Email Migration, Office 365 and Migration|

Over a decade ago, your organization purchased a state-of-the-art archiving solution to help you save space and achieve regulatory compliance. But technology marched on quickly, and that legacy email archiving solution no longer meets your needs. You must decide whether to limp along with an outdated and poorly-supported product or migrate to a modern solution. Email archiving systems like SourceOne and Enterprise Vault led the industry in 2009. But with mass migration to the cloud, these solutions quickly lost ground to more up-to-date technology. Organizations moved their email operations to nimble cloud services such as Office 365, in some cases

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10 ways to keep your data private

By |2020-06-15T10:51:34-04:00January 30th, 2020|Safety and Cyber Security|

10 ways to keep your data private used with permission from Norton by Symantec The Internet has blurred the lines between real world and the virtual one. Technology is barreling into our hands through smartphones at an unbelievable pace. This is good for productivity and progress, but it makes it easy for thieves to do their job. The anonymity and location independence that comes with the Internet muddles the moral character of even the most ethical person. There’s no assuming your phone and the information it stores is safe from the malicious intentions of the human mind. Remember, the first

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