Organize using Outlook’s color categories

By |2022-01-28T09:03:47-05:00August 27th, 2019|Email Management Tips|

Want to become more organized with Outlook categories? You can create your own color-coded labels with the Categorize feature to know at a glance what emails and calendar items are. Here's how! Outlook's Categorize Feature You can find the Categorize option in Outlook on the Ribbon or toolbar. You can start using the categories as is, or you can customize them with your own labels. Changing the Category Labels You can label the default color categories for your own needs. Go to Home > Categorize (in the Tags group) on the Ribbon From the drop-down list, choose All Categories. Click on the category

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The future of email

By |2020-06-01T10:17:38-04:00August 27th, 2019|Uncategorized|

Used with permission from HP Tech@Work Your inbox is probably here to stay. Here's how it'll be changing. We've been tethered to email as the primary form of business communication for a couple decades now. Yet study after study has proven that it's a productivity-wasting time suck. Just look at these numbers: On average, employees send and receive 122 emails per day They have around 199 unread messages in their inbox And they spend a whopping one-third of their workdays on email Having a full, disorganized inbox clutters your brain; getting to “Inbox Zero” (a term first coined by tech podcaster Merlin Mann) is considered a

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Solving the Data Dilemma with Effective Information Governance

By |2022-02-17T15:06:16-05:00August 20th, 2019|Uncategorized|

We live in an information age, generating 2.5 quintillion bytes of data every day. That information can drive business strategy and spark astonishing innovation. At the same time, a data breach can spell disaster for organizations and for the people whose information they hold. Information governance helps keep data secure while making it accessible. Consider these scenarios. In July, Capital One discovered that a data breach had compromised the personal information of more than 100 million individuals. On the other hand, vast quantities of data that could fuel valuable analytics remain unused because businesses lack the resources to retrieve the

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7 Questions to Ask for a Successful Email Migration

By |2022-01-28T09:19:26-05:00August 6th, 2019|Email Migration|

To have a successful email migration, you need to determine the technology and the budget. You also need a well thought out, detailed plan that demonstrates you’ve considered all the challenges you might face when your users encounter a new email platform. Not all migration solutions or companies are created equal. Indeed, there are many migration solutions available today and a lot of them entice clients by advertising a FREE migration service to get you onto their platform. In addition, there are also many Cloud based migration tools available. How do you choose? Should you save the company’s budget and

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Reduce Costs and Respond Quickly with Proactive eDiscovery

By |2020-05-22T04:55:57-04:00July 30th, 2019|eDiscovery, Information Governance and Management, Office 365 and Migration|

When a lawsuit appears likely, litigants typically receive an eDiscovery request. Within a strict deadline, they must deliver all relevant digital information for analysis and review. That data can include documents, emails, text messages, social media posts, databases and much more. Failure to deliver requested information within the time allotted can result in stiff penalties. Proactive eDiscovery makes the process smooth and trouble free. Envision an organization that has implemented the best practices of proactive eDiscovery. Rather than scrambling to find data when a lawsuit looms, they have followed comprehensive information governance strategies. Thus, they can respond to eDiscovery requests

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Microsoft Active Directory Management to Control Access and Boost Security

By |2020-05-22T05:00:05-04:00July 23rd, 2019|Safety and Cyber Security|

Active Directory management tips from Ross Phillips A small to medium-sized business may include hundreds of employees and thousands of devices. Microsoft Active Directory (AD) provides an indispensable method for identifying those resources and managing access within the system. In organizations with data in the cloud, Azure AD provides a similar service for cloud-based servers and applications such as Office 365 for business. Active Directory and Azure AD form the core of an organization’s information technology (IT) environment. Tapping into the full capabilities of these tools requires Windows PowerShell, a command-line shell and scripting environment. While PowerShell is essential to

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Safeguard Vital Assets with Mobile Workforce Security

By |2020-05-22T03:44:32-04:00July 18th, 2019|Office 365 and Migration, Safety and Cyber Security|

Mobile workforce security demands our attention. With a myriad of advantages for both employees and the companies they work for, it should come as no surprise that forecasters predict that by 2023, mobile workers will account for over 43 percent of the global workforce. Employees gain the flexibility of working from anywhere at any time. Businesses also benefit from increased productivity and decreased response times. At the same time, the mobile environment opens the door for increasing cyber-attacks. For instance, a hacker who gains access to an employee phone can potentially reach sensitive data inside the enterprise network. Organizations therefore

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Email Etiquette and Guidelines to Survive and Prosper

By |2020-06-01T10:20:28-04:00July 9th, 2019|Email Management Tips|

Email etiquette tips from Greg Smith Most organizations provide their employees with a corporate email address and email services. Email is pervasive across the organization. And, because it bears the name of the company, it can bring risk if improperly used. Thus, proper email etiquette should be taught and practiced. The words Email and Communication are not always synonymous. Just like language, email is a communication tool as well as a conveyance for other types of information. Communication is sometimes a precarious thing and miscommunication a great source of friction and potential mistakes. While it is impossible to train individuals

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Office 365 Tip: Sharing links instead of sending copies

By |2023-03-17T13:27:29-04:00July 9th, 2019|Office 365 and Migration|

Discover how to save some space and increase your productivity with this Office 365 Tip! Ready to send off a file attachment to your colleagues for their review and feedback? Wait a second, because there’s a better way in Office 365 to more easily and seamlessly collaborate with others on the same document or project. Don’t send copies – send a link instead! The trick is to use OneDrive to store your files and then share a link with everyone to the file (or even a folder with multiple items). Just save your file in OneDrive and you can use

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5 ways to calculate your ROI from automated Account Provisioning and Deprovisioning

By |2020-06-01T10:21:15-04:00July 9th, 2019|Uncategorized|

By Davin Cooke, Director of Business Development, Identity Maestro User management has become a critical issue. As physical and cloud-based IT systems and environments become increasingly complex so has account provisioning. This is due to multiple factors such as disconnected legacy applications, stricter compliance regulations, and the ever-present risk of data breaches through compromised passwords. Most businesses are looking for ways to improve Identity Management and reduce costs while enhancing compliance and security. There are five ways your organization will save by refreshing your user account provisioning processes. These include savings from: More efficient automated processes Requiring less user training

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