Ensure Success with Pre-Migration Email Cleanup

By |2020-06-01T10:36:45-04:00March 13th, 2019|Email Migration|

Email cleanup tips from Alexander Velarde Think about the last time you moved from one house to another. In anticipation of the movers, you de-cluttered with a vengeance. Clothes that no longer fit anyone? Gone. Utility bills from ten years ago? Gone. Why carry garbage to a new house? Approaching an email migration like a move to a new house makes the migration process more efficient and reduces cost. Consider a typical organization with employees who have been using the same email system for years. Focused on the business at hand, many end users use email as a convenient storage

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Four Email Management Best Practices for Organizations

By |2020-06-01T10:38:36-04:00February 21st, 2019|Email Management Tips|

Email Management Best Practices from Ross Phillips By the time email celebrated its thirtieth birthday in 2001, it had become a staple of business communication across the world. Office workers currently send or receive an average of over 120 emails each day. Implementing email management best practices can help to increase productivity, reduce storage and bandwidth demands and improve data security. Despite the growth of group chats and various conferencing options, email continues to dominate daily business communication. Email allows users to easily contact both individuals and groups, share files and schedule meetings, bridging distances in a matter of seconds.

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Understanding the Email Migration Process

By |2022-01-28T09:17:00-05:00February 14th, 2019|Email Migration|

A successful email migration process explained by Steve Jones Your organization has decided to move email from one system to another. Perhaps you are upgrading from an outdated, on premises system and upgrading to Office 365. Knowing what to expect from the email migration process will help you prepare more effectively and avoid many common hiccups in the process. We have learned that there is no such thing as 100 percent migration. However, with proper preparation, clear communication and a well-defined archiving solution, you will have everything you need to achieve a smooth transition and ensure compliance with any court

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