Improved Customer Experience, Informed Decisions and Compliance from Retail Information Governance

By |2020-05-22T04:04:53-04:00December 26th, 2019|Cyber-Security, Information Governance and Management|

In the retail industry, data reigns. From market analysis to determining the success of a sales promotion, retailers depend on data to inform decisions and guide strategy. But without a way to organize and protect that data, it provides little value and can even prove a significant liability. Retail information governance promotes data quality and security. Consider a typical scenario. A clothing retailer sells merchandise through its brick and mortar store, as well as online. It gathers financial information online and through point-of-sale terminals in the store. Customers submit product reviews and sign up for loyalty programs. Email campaigns and

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Ease Compliance, eDiscovery and Storage with Email Archiving Solution

By |2020-05-22T04:30:32-04:00April 17th, 2019|Data Compliance, Email Management Tips|

Office workers globally send and receive over 100 billion emails every day. In addition to the sheer number of emails, many of these messages include attached files. They may also include information that could prove vital in a court case. Email archiving allows organizations to take control of these massive amounts of data. Specific features vary according to the solution provider, but in general, an archiving solution captures email content and stores it in a separate location. Administrators determine what email is archived and how often the archiving occurs. The archived email can retain the same format and file structure

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3 Steps to Minimize Data Compliance Risk

By |2020-05-22T04:57:39-04:00March 21st, 2019|Email Management Tips|

Regulatory data compliance tips from Dena Kamel Over the years, data compliance has evolved into a complex process. From hospitals navigating HIPAA regulations to small businesses achieving Payment Card Industry (PCI) compliance, nearly all organizations have to address data regulations in some form. Penalties for noncompliance can include stiff fines and even jail time. Data compliance does not have to be a headache, and a three-pronged approach can smooth the way to ensuring that your organization meets industry regulations. Know the requirements for your industry, create a picture of the state of data in the organization, and then craft effective

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