Best Proven Methods to Repair PST Files in Microsoft Outlook

By |2024-05-29T15:03:01-04:00May 29th, 2024|article, Blog Archive, Email Management Tips|

Millions of individuals and businesses around the world depend on Microsoft Outlook as a core business tool. Consequently, when the email system fails to perform as expected, productivity drops. One of the most common problems Outlook users experience involves corrupted PST files. Thus, understanding the best proven methods to repair PST files becomes vital. PST (personal storage table) refers to a file format that Microsoft Outlook uses to store certain types of data locally.  This data can include information such as email messages, contacts, calendar events, and tasks. PST files allow you to use this information even when you work

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Streamline Email Governance with a Midsummer Fitness Check

By |2022-08-11T06:03:35-04:00July 13th, 2022|Email Management Tips, Email Policy|

Many organizations have a love/hate relationship with email. On the one hand, email remains the cornerstone of business communication. On the other, without diligent oversight, it can quickly become not only a time sink, but also a security and compliance liability. Spending some quality time on email governance can make the difference. Automate Email Policies A midsummer IT fitness checkup provides the perfect opportunity to review and update email policies. A well-crafted email policy both improves regulatory compliance and streamlines the archive to ease the eDiscovery process down the road. But policies require periodic adjustments to keep up with regulatory

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The Future of Email as a Business Communication Tool

By |2022-07-27T11:15:37-04:00July 6th, 2022|Email Policy|

Today’s business community uses a wide variety of communication platforms, from chat to Microsoft Teams and social media. However, email use continues to climb. Email delivers convenience, provides an information trail, and gives users control over their messages. The future of email appears bright. But as email evolves, businesses need to adapt. Email Challenges When email arrived on the scene in the 1970s, developers could only begin to imagine how the tool would change over time. 25 MB size limitations seemed impossibly large when the average computer drive held less than 200 MB. Now, users who need to send a

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Email Destruction Policies Discourage Pack Rats

By |2020-08-07T08:08:20-04:00July 29th, 2020|Email Policy|

Email Pack Rats? An effective method of communication, email also provides a concise audit trail of events, decisions, and performance. This reality makes email difficult to destroy for individuals wanting to maintain a history. However, some email “pack rats” go too far in their email retention behavior. Effective email destruction policies mitigate the problem. According to email experts, 20% of email users account for 80% of the data retained. This small minority, usually in key organizational roles, somehow feel the need to retain as much data as possible. They do it for business purposes, or simply for CYA. Hence, extra storage and

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How to Choose the Best Cloud Archiving Solution

By |2020-08-07T08:58:29-04:00June 30th, 2020|Information Governance and Management|

Regulatory compliance requires that various historical records be retained while current conditions demand efficient and secure remote access. Thus, organizations with legacy archiving systems reaching end of life or that lack modern functionality should acquire the best cloud archiving solution to meet those requirements. There is no question that a cloud archiving solution saves in systems and storage costs over the on-premises variety. Add in the benefits of immediate scalability, availability, increased security, and disaster recovery, and cloud archiving develops a compelling value proposition. But which cloud archiving solution? In this post, we consider eGovernance Cloud and the factors of

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Create Rules to Automatically Sort Incoming Mail in Outlook

By |2023-03-17T13:27:03-04:00December 19th, 2019|Email Management Tips|

When you receive a lot of email, your inbox becomes cluttered and difficult to navigate. Thankfully, you can use create Rules in Outlook to sort your incoming email. Here are the steps to set up a rule in Outlook that will automatically put incoming mail from a particular sender into a specific folder: Select an email in your Inbox from the sender you'd like to create a new folder for. Go to Rules > Create Rule on the toolbar. Check the "From…" box at the top of the Create Rule window. Check "Move the item to folder:" at the bottom of the Create Rule dialog box,

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3 Email Security Threats and How to Safeguard Your Business in 2020

By |2020-06-01T09:11:52-04:00December 18th, 2019|Cyber-Security, Email Management Tips, Email Policy|

Email security threats play a major role in the cyber battleground. In fact, most companies report they encountered email-based attacks in the past year. In addition, CSO Online reports that 92 percent of malware finds its way into the network via email. To protect their business and their customers, organizations need to anticipate email security threats and develop corresponding strategies. Experts predict that for 2020, major threats to email cyber security will include spear phishing, cloud-targeting ransomware and insufficient password measures. Spear Phishing Phishing attacks remain the primary cause of data breaches. In these attacks, criminals pose as legitimate business

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3 Reasons Organizations Need an Email Policy and How to Build a Good One

By |2020-06-01T09:13:38-04:00December 11th, 2019|Email Management Tips, Email Policy, Safety and Cyber Security|

Despite of the proliferation of messaging apps and video conferencing, email remains the preferred method for business communication. It offers simplicity, flexibility and immediacy. At the same time, email introduces substantial risk to an organization. A well-crafted email policy helps businesses tap into the benefits of email while mitigating the risks. For example, with a single email, a team leader can instantly communicate with her entire team. She can attach project files to the email and link the information to a calendar event. Any responses become part of a permanent conversation. Months later, an employee can reference that conversation with

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Avoid Cyber-Hoarding with Effective Email Organization

By |2020-06-01T10:24:48-04:00June 25th, 2019|Email Management Tips|

Tips for email organization from Alexander Velarde In modern society, we live our lives in the digital realm. We work, play games and even date online. Unfortunately, we have also digitized some of our bad habits. Those kitchen junk drawers filled with things we might need someday have morphed into overflowing email inboxes. But some pro-active email organization can restore order and boost productivity. De-Clutter Your Inbox A quick online search on “how to de-clutter” immediately delivers nearly nine million results. Consultants make a living by teaching customers to declutter their kitchens, their closets and their lives. Cleaning out your

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Effective Email Management Tips to Turn a Liability into an Asset

By |2020-05-21T10:59:46-04:00June 12th, 2019|Email Management Tips|

Email Management Tips from Greg Smith With all the modern advances in communication, email remains a lifeline for most organizations. For example, team leaders can communicate instantly and simultaneously with team members in multiple offices. Archived messages provide a digital trail of discussions and can even prove pivotal in court. And businesses can tailor messaging to specific audiences. However, while email can act as your biggest asset, it can also be your greatest liability. From server bloat to diminished productivity to exposure of sensitive data, mismanaged email distracts from core business and can even affect the bottom line. Control Server

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