Moving from GroupWise to Office 365: a Step-by-Step Guide

By |2024-07-12T17:19:28-04:00July 17th, 2024|article, Blog Archive, Email Migration|

GroupWise once played a dominant role in providing collaborative messaging services. However, after nearly 40 years, the platform has fallen behind more modern systems. Moving from GroupWise to Office 365 allows organizations to take advantage of increased storage, anywhere/anytime availability, powerful collaboration features, and much more. However, the migration process does present significant challenges, particularly for organizations that have used GroupWise for many years. For instance, large mailboxes, GroupWise personal archives, and poorly configured systems add layers of complexity. The following steps help to ensure a successful migration. Additionally, working with a seasoned GroupWise migration partner provides access to the

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GroupWise to Microsoft 365 Migration Basics

By |2023-03-08T13:56:44-05:00December 7th, 2022|Email Migration, Microsoft 365, Office 365 and Migration|

For organizations using legacy systems like GroupWise, Microsoft 365 offers clear benefits, from improved eDiscovery to scalability and easy remote access. However, migrating from GroupWise presents unique challenges. Understanding and following GroupWise to Microsoft 365 Migration basics will help smooth the way to a successful migration. GroupWise Presents Critical Limitations While GroupWise has powered corporate email systems for decades, an infrastructure designed for 1980s workloads struggles to handle modern demands. In particular, GroupWise personal archives present potentially costly issues. In the first place, end users manage their own archives. That means that very little maintenance occurs. And when users continue

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How to Prepare for Microsoft 365 Migration Success

By |2023-03-08T14:02:02-05:00November 16th, 2022|Email Migration, Microsoft 365, Office 365 and Migration|

You know the benefits of a Microsoft 365 migration. You probably also know that migrating to Microsoft 365, no matter what platform you migrate from, brings challenges. But when organizations take the time to plan and prepare for Microsoft 365 Migration, and when they use the right tools, the process can go smoothly. First, take time to figure out the scope of the project. Ask the right questions and involve the right people. This will help you in choosing the best migration tool for the job. Then, take the time to clean up the old environment and set up the

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Choose the Right Time for GroupWise to Microsoft 365 Migration

By |2022-02-21T13:55:05-05:00February 16th, 2022|Email Migration, Microsoft 365, Office 365 and Migration|

While GroupWise users have loved the messaging and collaboration platform since the 1980s, most organizations understand that moving to a more integrated environment is inevitable. Modern collaboration solutions offer more agile solutions built specifically for today’s hybrid work environment. Understanding the factors involved will help organizations determine the right time for a GroupWise to Microsoft 365 migration. GroupWise eDiscovery Limitations In an increasingly litigious environment, organizations must demonstrate the ability to respond quickly to eDiscovery requests. However, the GroupWise structure, which hasn’t changed much since the 1980’s, presents significant challenges to eDiscovery. Organizations must decide between accepting fines for non-compliance

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Expert GroupWise Migration Services Take the Pain Out of Email Migration

By |2021-08-06T05:29:14-04:00June 2nd, 2021|Email Migration|

Last year, Quest announced that it would end support for its on premise GroupWise migration solution as of August 2021. Quest joins a host of vendors that have trimmed GroupWise migration services in recent years. But thousands of customers continue to use the product. And those looking to migrate to other platforms, including Exchange and Microsoft 365, need competent migration services. Unique Challenges Complicate Migration Process GroupWise set the standard for corporate email for many years. However, newer technologies emerged, and many GroupWise customers made the decision to migrate. Cloud solutions like Microsoft 365 deliver key benefits, such as increased

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GroupWise Migration Guide Promotes Migration Success

By |2021-04-19T06:30:44-04:00March 10th, 2021|Email Migration, Office 365 and Migration|

Migrating from GroupWise to Microsoft 365 brings a host of benefits, from eliminating bloated servers to improving performance and compliance. The migration process can prove complex, however, and a botched migration may result in lost data and productivity. Organizations that follow a detailed GroupWise migration guide achieve smooth migrations with minimal impact. Preparation and communication mean the difference between a broken migration and a positive user experience, with little disruption to email. Consider the following steps for success, from up-front planning through post-migration tasks. 1. Conduct a Detailed Project Assessment Careful planning will determine the success of an email migration.

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10 Reasons to Migrate from GroupWise to Microsoft 365

By |2021-01-20T15:27:48-05:00January 20th, 2021|Email Migration, Office 365 and Migration|

GroupWise powered collaborative messaging for corporations for thirty years. But new technologies provide features essential to delivering the efficiency and productivity needed in the modern workplace. Consider just a few of the compelling reasons to upgrade from GroupWise to Microsoft 365. 1. Increased Storage For many legacy platforms, server bloat proves a significant problem. Employees send and receive hundreds of emails each day, often including attachments. Inboxes fill up quickly, and over time millions of emails and files require additional server space. Overloaded mail servers result in random crashes, poor performance and messages that fail to send. Microsoft 365 helps

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3 More Microsoft 365 Features that Former GroupWise Users Will Love

By |2020-08-07T09:37:16-04:00May 20th, 2020|Email Migration, Office 365 and Migration|

Organizations around the world migrate to the cloud for all the right reasons. They look for scalability, mobility and reduced IT burden. And with powerful Microsoft 365 features, they also benefit from unparalleled collaboration and robust security. In a previous post, we highlighted Microsoft 365’s business-grade video conferencing, Microsoft Teams Live Events and dependable security and privacy. If you need more reasons to migrate from GroupWise, here are three additional Microsoft 365 features that might help tip the scales. 1. Microsoft 365 Groups In the old days, organizations used email distribution lists to communicate within a team. Groups in Microsoft

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Cloud Security Tips to Ease the Transition from GroupWise to Office 365

By |2020-06-01T09:41:08-04:00November 13th, 2019|Office 365 and Migration, Safety and Cyber Security|

Reports of the state of business cloud security in 2019 show a good news/bad news scenario. The good news for GroupWise users contemplating a move to the cloud and possibly Office 365? Specifically, security offerings have improved. In addition, most cloud service providers stay on top of infrastructure security. In fact, none of the high-profile breaches of 2018 resulted from cloud service provider negligence. The bad news? Organizations have largely failed to keep pace with emerging security technologies. For example, misconfiguration ranks a close second to credential hijacking as the most common cause of security breaches. Less than half of

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8 Reasons GroupWise Users Move to the Cloud

By |2020-06-01T09:45:43-04:00November 6th, 2019|Office 365 and Migration|

Over three decades, GroupWise developed a loyal customer base. However, in recent years, many GroupWise customers have opted to move to the cloud. In addition to the full-featured email and calendaring they have come to expect, enterprises gain enhanced collaboration while reducing the burden on overworked IT staff. Explore a few of the advantages of migrating from GroupWise to a cloud solution such as Office 365 for business. 1. Always Up to Date The average enterprise IT staff maintains dozens of software applications, in addition to managing networks and servers. Keeping all that software and hardware up to date can be

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