Information Governance Strategies for Businesses of All Sizes

By |2022-10-11T10:34:18-04:00August 24th, 2022|Information Governance and Management, Microsoft 365|

Regardless of size or industry, businesses no longer have the luxury of ignoring information governance. Increasingly complex data privacy regulations and an unrelenting barrage of cyber-attacks necessitate proactive information governance strategies. Additionally, such strategies help businesses realize data value and improve their competitive edge. Universal Information Governance Basics Information governance includes several key components, regardless of organization size. These include: Categorization and storage of data – The foundation of any information governance strategy involves identifying where data lives and tagging that data into appropriate categories. This helps to ensure data quality and allows users to find needed information quickly. This

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Microsoft 365 Information Governance Evolves with Unified Compliance and Data Governance Solution

By |2022-09-28T12:08:09-04:00August 17th, 2022|Cyber-Security, Data Compliance, Information Governance and Management, Microsoft 365|

This April, “to meet the challenges of today’s decentralized, data-rich workplace” Microsoft brought its existing collection of Microsoft 365 information governance and compliance solutions together under a new umbrella. The new Microsoft Purview brand combines the capabilities of the Microsoft 365 Compliance portfolio and the former Azure Purview. Purview delivers a comprehensive set of solutions that help organizations govern, protect, and manage all their data wherever it resides. It’s a great step forward for Microsoft in providing a unified data governance and risk management solution for Microsoft 365. The new Microsoft Purview: Provides visibility into data assets across locations, devices, and apps Enables easy

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Proactive eDiscovery for Business Saves Time and Reduces Cost

By |2022-02-09T16:10:41-05:00February 2nd, 2022|eDiscovery, Information Governance and Management|

Any business that has gone through a litigation process knows the discovery process well. Now, with most business information in electronic format, discovery has evolved into a complex process of gathering information in a multitude of formats. Understanding the basics of eDiscovery for business and planning ahead will save headaches down the road. eDiscovery for Business Primer Discovery involves gathering and sharing all evidence and witnesses for a pending legal case. It comes into play not only when someone files a lawsuit but also when a lawsuit is reasonably anticipated. For instance, if a customer suffers a significant injury while

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Proactive Microsoft 365 Governance Balances Productivity and Control

By |2022-02-17T15:08:01-05:00November 3rd, 2021|Information Governance and Management, Microsoft 365|

For thousands of organizations globally, Microsoft 365 has become almost indispensable, powering collaboration and supporting workloads in the cloud. The constantly improving technology drives productivity and opens opportunities. At the same time, increasingly complex tools require proactive Microsoft 365 governance to achieve optimal results. For instance, Microsoft Teams offers rich features to enhance communication and power remote work. However, navigating the management of regular and private channels, as well as policies for file retention and sharing, requires careful planning. Successful organizations take the time to understand the challenges and tools and create strategies to support business needs. Balancing Productivity with

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Checkbox Information Governance vs Effective Data Governance

By |2021-08-06T05:27:46-04:00June 16th, 2021|Data Compliance, Information Governance and Management|

For many organizations, the concept of information governance is intertwined with regulatory compliance. For instance, any organization that processes, stores, or transmits credit card data must demonstrate PCI compliance. However, when companies stop at checkbox information governance, they leave themselves at risk and never unlock the true power of their data assets. Most organizations publicly pronounce a commitment to compliance and data security. But underneath the hood, the story often looks a little different. For instance, a business may put policies and tools in place for the annual compliance audit and then gradually forget about them as the months go

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Digital Twins Harness the Power of Data to Drive Innovation

By |2021-06-07T05:57:03-04:00April 21st, 2021|Information Governance and Management, Trending|

In April 1970, disaster struck the Apollo 13 mission. Using a replica of the lunar excursion model (LEM), ground crews designed and tested a solution remotely, dramatically saving the lives of the astronauts. This example of paired technology became the precursor of today’s digital twins, which Gartner calls a “top strategic technology trend.” Simply put, a digital twin delivers a virtual duplicate of a physical object. Engineers gather actual data about an object or system and use that data to create a digital model. For instance, they may create a digital twin of an airplane engine. They might even combine

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Messaging Architects IG Experts to Present at Annual CONFIRM NYC Conference

By |2021-04-19T06:34:42-04:00February 23rd, 2021|Information Governance and Management, Press Releases|

eMazzanti Technologies and Messaging Architects, an eMazzanti company, join other high-profile organizations in sponsoring the 2021 CONFIRM NYC conference hosted by the Metro NYC chapter of ARMA, March 2-3, 2021. We are pleased to announce that Carl Mazzanti (President of eMazzanti Technologies) and Greg Smith (VP of Service Delivery at Messaging Architects) will present on the topic of digital transformation in records management at the conference. The annual conference brings together records and information management professionals for educational sessions on a broad range of topics. Specifically, this year’s sessions cover future IG trends, cloud solutions, remote work implications for records

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Data Literacy Drives Corporate Strategy and Marketing Success

By |2020-12-16T04:17:57-05:00December 1st, 2020|Information Governance and Management|

Business leaders devote considerable resources to implementing data-driven marketing campaigns and corporate strategy. However, if decision makers lack sufficient data literacy, they can easily misinterpret or mis-apply the data. This too often results in costly mistakes and loss of revenue. Data literacy includes the ability to properly understand and evaluate data, then use and communicate that information effectively to drive business outcomes. This implies understanding data sources and context. It also involves the ability to read charts, draw appropriate conclusions and recognize red flags that indicate problems with the data. Understand the Importance of Data Literacy Consider some of the

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Data Valuation: The Key to Unlock Hidden Assets

By |2020-11-19T03:54:02-05:00November 4th, 2020|Information Governance and Management|

Consider the power of information. Big data drives investment decisions and informs innovation. On the other hand, sensitive data in the wrong hands can destroy a business practically overnight. Through data valuation, businesses quantify the value of their information—assets they can then use to generate more revenue for the company. For example, in healthcare, effectively managed data about treatment protocols and their outcomes leads to better patient results. In retail, information about customer buying habits drives future marketing campaigns and generates higher sales. And proprietary information delivers a competitive edge to technology and manufacturing companies. However, for all the value

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Embrace Data Ethics as an Essential Part of Business Strategy

By |2020-10-06T05:07:27-04:00September 30th, 2020|Data Compliance, Information Governance and Management|

Not just a matter of regulatory compliance, highly regulated industries and others that are not must consider embracing data ethics as a component of their overall business strategy. The Data Ethics Problem According to Deloitte, 9.7 billion data records have been lost or stolen worldwide since 2013. And since it went into effect in 2018, consumers have filed more than 95,000 complaints relating to the EU’s GDPR statute. Despite advances, legislation is not keeping up with the ethical issues raised by the large volume and variety of data collected. Those issues are bound to impact data-heavy businesses where it hurts,

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