Compelling Reasons Why Companies Switch to Office 365 from Google Workspace

By |2024-06-10T18:02:43-04:00June 5th, 2024|article, Blog Archive, Cloud Migration, Office 365 and Migration|

While Microsoft and Google roughly split the office suite marketplace, a growing trend shows Google users migrating to Microsoft. Organizations considering migration should carefully consider specific business requirements. But understanding some primary reasons companies switch to Office 365 from Google Workspace offers a good starting point. For example, Microsoft often proves advantageous for larger organizations with complex needs. Likewise, rapidly growing businesses require a productivity suite that can grow right along with the company. Familiarity also plays a key role. This makes Microsoft the clear choice for organizations that cater to a user base already familiar with Microsoft applications. Consider

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Ouch-proof Data Migration Plan: Ensuring Security and Data Integrity

By |2024-05-13T15:00:20-04:00April 24th, 2024|article, Blog Archive, Email Migration, Office 365 and Migration|

Migrating to Microsoft 365, consolidating data centers, and upgrading systems all have the potential to drive efficiency and strengthen collaboration. But the migration process may also involve risks to essential business data. Take control of this critical element of your data migration plan: ensuring security and data integrity. Migrations do increase the risk that data will become corrupted, lost, or vulnerable to unauthorized access. However, with careful planning and the right tools, organizations can proceed with confidence. Following best practices before, during, and after migration mitigates risks and helps to ensure a successful migration. Know the Risks Moving data from

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5 Reasons You Should Migrate Your Exchange Mailbox to Office 365

By |2024-04-22T16:10:11-04:00April 10th, 2024|article, Blog Archive, Cloud Migration, Email Migration|

Cloud computing promises greater flexibility and accessibility for companies looking to stay competitive, support remote work, and drive innovation. However, some organizations hesitate to make the switch, citing concerns about security and migration complexity. Consider several compelling reasons to migrate your Exchange mailbox to Office 365. 1. Improved Collaboration and User Experience Office 365 delivers a suite of integrated productivity tools designed to facilitate seamless collaboration from any location, at any time. With an increasing business dependence on remote work, this flexibility proves critical in driving efficiency and creativity. And tools like Microsoft Teams break down barriers by strengthening real-time

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Ensuring Success After a Cloud Migration: Your Guide to a Long-term Plan

By |2024-04-05T16:26:55-04:00April 3rd, 2024|article, Blog Archive, Cloud Migration, Office 365 and Migration|

Cloud migration marks a significant step for any organization looking to improve efficiency, scalability, and innovation. However, the journey does not end at “go live.” Post-migration challenges can hinder progress. Consider these important tips for life after a cloud migration: your guide to a long-term plan. Transitioning to the cloud makes good business sense. For instance, moving to Microsoft 365 and a Teams environment turbo-charges collaboration. And the cloud delivers essential flexibility and scalability to quickly accommodate fluctuations in demand. However, the cloud involves a completely new operating environment, with significant changes for both end users and IT personnel. Cloud

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Why Business Leaders Should Switch to Office 365 Email from Gmail

By |2023-10-06T10:26:28-04:00August 16th, 2023|Email Management Tips, Email Migration, Office 365 and Migration|

Office 365 is the most widely used cloud service by user count, with over 300 million monthly active users as of Q2 2023. Driven by strong demand for cloud-based productivity and collaboration tools, Office 365 saw a 15% increase in monthly active users compared to Q1 2023. Here we explore why business leaders should switch from Gmail to Office 365 Email (Microsoft 365 Outlook). Companies that Switched to Office 365 Email Office 365 users can access their files and collaborate with others from any device and location thanks to its cloud-based platform and mobile apps. ITS San Francisco, a large

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7 Best Practices for a Successful Microsoft Teams Migration

By |2022-01-07T01:49:25-05:00December 29th, 2021|Microsoft 365|

Migrating Microsoft Teams to a new Microsoft 365 tenant can present some challenges. But it also provides the opportunity to do some cleaning and organizing. To ensure a successful Microsoft Teams migration, commit to some careful planning. These migration best practices will help. Start with Spring Cleaning Take time to look closely at the current Teams environment. Create an audit list of all the teams, as well as the permissions and policies in place. Some of that information, even some teams themselves, may no longer serve a purpose. Identify teams and channels that have become redundant or unnecessary and delete

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5 Microsoft 365 Migration Tips Guaranteed to Ease Migration Pain

By |2022-01-28T09:06:16-05:00September 15th, 2021|Email Migration, Office 365 and Migration|

Organizations can tell horror stories about failed cloud migrations. In worst case scenarios, users come to the office on Monday morning, only to find email inaccessible. Unexpected complications can result in delays or lost data. However, with careful planning, migrations can run smoothly. These Microsoft 365 migration tips will set you on the right path. Start with Robust Discovery The first stage of a successful migration involves a thorough discovery process. Begin by locating and cataloging data, from mailboxes to documents. For GroupWise migrations, this will also include personal archives. Understanding the amount and types of data to be migrated

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10 Reasons to Migrate from GroupWise to Microsoft 365

By |2021-01-20T15:27:48-05:00January 20th, 2021|Email Migration, Office 365 and Migration|

GroupWise powered collaborative messaging for corporations for thirty years. But new technologies provide features essential to delivering the efficiency and productivity needed in the modern workplace. Consider just a few of the compelling reasons to upgrade from GroupWise to Microsoft 365. 1. Increased Storage For many legacy platforms, server bloat proves a significant problem. Employees send and receive hundreds of emails each day, often including attachments. Inboxes fill up quickly, and over time millions of emails and files require additional server space. Overloaded mail servers result in random crashes, poor performance and messages that fail to send. Microsoft 365 helps

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