International and U.S. Data Protection Legislation Outlook

By |2024-02-23T08:32:37-05:00September 9th, 2020|Data Compliance, Information Governance and Management|

Setting the Stage In 2018, Europe’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) set the precedent for data and privacy regulations across Europe and other geographies. Back home, the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) took effect on January 1st, 2020. Other states and countries are sure to follow with similar data protection legislation. Significantly, the GDPR extended the EU’s jurisdiction beyond its borders. Thus, any business that sells to EU customers is subject to the GDPR, regardless of location. One of the broadest online privacy laws in the U.S., the CCPA regulates organizations nationwide that do business with California residents. In 2019,

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Law Firm eDiscovery Technology Adoption Accelerates

By |2020-10-06T05:39:02-04:00September 2nd, 2020|eDiscovery, Technology|

Despite a perception that attorneys remain slow to adopt technology, law firms increasingly embrace eDiscovery solutions. Overcoming, their fear of change and confusion amid numerous options, they are moving forward with eDiscovery technology at an accelerated pace, partly propelled by the current crisis. Indeed, what seemed like a huge task (switching to remote tech) was shown to be both doable and beneficial when we had no other options. The lockdowns and forced changes in working practices showed us that the process of eDiscovery technology adoption could be accelerated. Prior to the pandemic, the global eDiscovery market was expected to grow

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How to Solve COVID-19 Record Retention Issues

By |2020-10-06T05:45:20-04:00August 27th, 2020|Data Compliance, Information Governance and Management|

In a previous post, we heard from an IG expert about Leveraging Remote Talent to Optimize IG. Today, we share her views on dealing with COVID-19 record retention issues. Her direct experience in this area includes managing document control teams in healthcare research and laboratory companies. The Paper Records Problem Regulated industries like healthcare must follow strict rules on how long to keep records and what constitutes a true copy. The FDA publishes guidance on record retention in the healthcare industry. Despite modern digital options, many companies still choose to keep paper records. Most allow workers to scan them. But,

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Leveraging Remote Talent to Optimize IG

By |2020-10-06T05:46:30-04:00August 12th, 2020|Information Governance and Management|

For today’s post, we spoke with a Senior Business Analyst in a large bio-pharma company about leveraging remote talent to optimize IG (information governance). She functions remotely in the role of Tech Systems Owner for Quality Systems with shared IG responsibility. Prepare, Prepare, Prepare for Remote Meetings Unfortunately, remote IG team leaders, including some high-level directors often run ineffective meetings. Frequently, they show up unprepared, assuming everyone is on the same page when many participants don’t have a clue. Siloed meetings also waste hundreds of hours in duplicated effort. Preparation is the key to running effective remote meetings. Therefore, before

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Medical Identity Theft – When Your Health Is Their Wealth

By |2020-10-06T05:48:00-04:00August 9th, 2020|Cyber-Security|

Cybercriminals are giving a new meaning to the term ‘Health is Wealth’. Medical identity theft has victimized over 2.2 million people and that number is growing. Although medical identity theft is not something new, the increasing number of data breaches has increased the number of victims. What is Medical Identity Theft? Medical identity theft occurs when someone steals your personal information to get free medical care, medical devices or prescription drugs under your name. This is more dangerous than identity theft because medical identity theft not only ruins your finances, it can have terrible effects on your health. The information

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How 5G technology will change the game for medical practitioners

By |2020-10-06T06:32:10-04:00August 9th, 2020|Technology|

How the technology will have a profound impact on healthcare delivery. For doctors and other medical practitioners, 5G technology can help them not only perform their jobs more effectively, but also do things they couldn’t have accomplished before. That’s primarily thanks to two factors. First is 5G’s greater bandwidth, which will let them download files anywhere from 10 to 100 times faster than before. Second is its low latency, or how long it takes from the time a user requests an action to the network’s response.  The impact should be especially pronounced in several areas: remote healthcare, communication within hospitals,

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4 signs your healthcare organization is due for a network upgrade

By |2024-03-12T15:52:42-04:00August 9th, 2020|Cyber-Security|

Your competitors are ready to invest in modern IT infrastructure, so now is the right time to start lobbying your higher-ups for a network upgrade. The proof? According to Damon Consulting’s third annual Healthcare IT Demand Survey, infrastructure upgrades have ranked with AI and big data analytics as top spending priorities in recent years. So what does this mean for IT leaders? It translates to a strong business case for any network upgrade you might have on your own wishlist. If you’re still not convinced, here are four signs that you need to catch up with digitizing healthcare and leave behind

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Finding the Email Retention Goldilocks Zone

By |2020-10-06T06:34:01-04:00August 1st, 2020|Email Management Tips, Email Policy|

By Greg Smith The Email Retention Dilemma Creating an Email Retention Policy that works is tricky. Keeping too little information encourages email pack rats and puts legal teams at a disadvantage. Too much information drives up ediscovery costs while increasing potential liability. Hence, organizations seek the email retention Goldilocks zone where retention is just right. There is no doubt that much of email consists of transient records that have no value and could be deleted. The issue comes down to ensuring that users make acceptable email deletion decisions. The concern arises when the organization provides users with the ability to

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Email Destruction Policies Discourage Pack Rats

By |2020-08-07T08:08:20-04:00July 29th, 2020|Email Policy|

Email Pack Rats? An effective method of communication, email also provides a concise audit trail of events, decisions, and performance. This reality makes email difficult to destroy for individuals wanting to maintain a history. However, some email “pack rats” go too far in their email retention behavior. Effective email destruction policies mitigate the problem. According to email experts, 20% of email users account for 80% of the data retained. This small minority, usually in key organizational roles, somehow feel the need to retain as much data as possible. They do it for business purposes, or simply for CYA. Hence, extra storage and

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What to Know Before Migrating Archives to Office 365

By |2020-08-07T08:13:38-04:00July 22nd, 2020|Email Migration, Office 365 and Migration|

By Greg Smith Before Making the Leap Many organizations making the leap to Office 365 for their business services also choose to migrate their legacy data. Whether from existing mail systems or third-party archiving systems, they find little objection to migrating archives to Office 365 because the excessive data storage costs nothing. In addition, Microsoft provides eDiscovery tools around that data, depending on licensing. Before you make the leap, take the time to understand the facts about archives and the way Office 365 handles data. Traditionally, organizations wishing to retain older emails for eDiscovery and free up space from their

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