4 Office 365 Apps to Look for When You Migrate from GroupWise to the Cloud

By |2020-06-01T09:18:25-04:00November 29th, 2019|Office 365 and Migration|

You know about Outlook, Word, Excel and PowerPoint. However, you may not be as familiar with some of the other gems waiting for you when you migrate from GroupWise to Office 365. Moving to the cloud provides the perfect opportunity to explore some of these powerful Office 365 apps that promote collaboration and productivity. 1. Sway Microsoft introduced this web-centric alternative to PowerPoint in 2015. While PowerPoint still works best for data-driven presentations, Sway offers an intuitive option for presentations, brochures, newsletters and more. Some exciting features of Sway include: Works on multiple platforms – Users can access Sway from

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10 More Outlook Tips and Tricks GroupWise Users Will Love

By |2020-06-01T09:43:30-04:00November 20th, 2019|Email Management Tips|

Now that you have been working with Office 365 for a while, you have mastered a few Outlook management tips. For instance, you learned to streamline your email using Quick Steps, and you created an email signature. Now the time has come to have some fun! Check out these Outlook tips and tricks guaranteed to make your day. 1. Write Now, Send Later You can compose a message now and tell Outlook to send it at a later time. For example, suppose you want your email to arrive on your coworker’s desk first thing in the morning. Write the message

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How to build smarter data integration in a multicloud world

By |2020-06-01T09:41:44-04:00November 20th, 2019|Uncategorized|

used with permission from IBM Big Data & Analytics Hub by Bharath Chari Let’s say you’re the Chief Technology Officer of a bank or retailer struggling to infuse AI that aims to improve customer experiences. You likely face three main challenges: Data sprawl: Your customer data is currently on multiple clouds, including on-premises and a cloud data lake storage repository. But the data often exists in different formats in Db2, Oracle and other databases—and those databases are being used by transactional systems in different departments. Data latency across clouds and systems can be a serious concern in a multicloud environment,

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Cloud Security Tips to Ease the Transition from GroupWise to Office 365

By |2020-06-01T09:41:08-04:00November 13th, 2019|Office 365 and Migration, Safety and Cyber Security|

Reports of the state of business cloud security in 2019 show a good news/bad news scenario. The good news for GroupWise users contemplating a move to the cloud and possibly Office 365? Specifically, security offerings have improved. In addition, most cloud service providers stay on top of infrastructure security. In fact, none of the high-profile breaches of 2018 resulted from cloud service provider negligence. The bad news? Organizations have largely failed to keep pace with emerging security technologies. For example, misconfiguration ranks a close second to credential hijacking as the most common cause of security breaches. Less than half of

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8 Reasons GroupWise Users Move to the Cloud

By |2020-06-01T09:45:43-04:00November 6th, 2019|Office 365 and Migration|

Over three decades, GroupWise developed a loyal customer base. However, in recent years, many GroupWise customers have opted to move to the cloud. In addition to the full-featured email and calendaring they have come to expect, enterprises gain enhanced collaboration while reducing the burden on overworked IT staff. Explore a few of the advantages of migrating from GroupWise to a cloud solution such as Office 365 for business. 1. Always Up to Date The average enterprise IT staff maintains dozens of software applications, in addition to managing networks and servers. Keeping all that software and hardware up to date can be

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4 Document Management Benefits of Office 365 for GroupWise Users

By |2024-03-12T15:38:18-04:00October 31st, 2019|Office 365 and Migration|

Making the switch from GroupWise to Office 365 can sound like a daunting task. However, powerful collaboration and mobility features, in addition to flexible migration solutions, make the choice to upgrade much easier. Explore the document management benefits of Office 365 and discover how migrating to the cloud can boost your business. 1. Full-featured Collaboration Office 365 offers multiple levels of collaboration. To begin with, each user license includes 1 TB of OneDrive file storage for individual use and limited sharing. For instance, an employee may wish to share an early draft of a document with one or two team

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Outlook Tips for Former GroupWise Users

By |2020-01-29T08:04:53-05:00October 23rd, 2019|Office 365 and Migration|

Your organization has just migrated from GroupWise to Office 365. You love the collaborative benefits of working in the cloud, and Outlook offers a ton of great features to make your work life easier. At the same time, getting used to a new email system can prove a little confusing. Here are some handy Outlook tips to get you started. Streamline Email for Efficiency Add rules – Any rules you created in GroupWise will not migrate over. But you can quickly create rules in Outlook. For example, you can tell Outlook to mark all emails from your manager as Important

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GroupWise Migrated Appointments in Outlook: What You Need to Know

By |2020-06-01T09:44:05-04:00October 16th, 2019|Email Migration|

Outlook Calendar provides a powerful and versatile tool for organizing your life or your department. Handy features like the scheduling assistant, time zone tool and tracking help you easily manage appointments. At the same time, users who have migrated from other platforms, such as GroupWise, should understand key differences related to migrated appointments in Outlook. When organizations migrate future appointments from GroupWise to Outlook, those appointments transfer as disconnected items. For example, suppose that prior to switching from GroupWise to Outlook, a team leader created a department meeting appointment, inviting multiple employees. Post-migration, the meeting appears on the personal calendars

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GroupWise vs Outlook, 12 Differences to Know Before Migrating to Office 365

By |2022-01-28T09:18:20-05:00October 10th, 2019|Email Migration, Office 365 and Migration|

With the popularity of Microsoft Office 365 and the myriad of benefits that come with working in the cloud, many organizations have made the leap from GroupWise to Outlook. For end users, that means some changes to email, calendars and tasks. Understanding some key GroupWise vs Outlook differences will help to ease the transition. Essential Email Differences, GroupWise vs Outlook In general, Outlook brings improved speed and stability to email. Many users also prefer the Outlook user interface over GroupWise. Some differences to keep in mind include the following: Retracting messages – Outlook includes limited abilities to retract sent messages.

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What is a digital footprint? And how to help protect it

By |2020-05-21T10:24:16-04:00October 8th, 2019|Data Compliance, Technology|

Your “digital footprint” includes all traces of your online activity, including your comments on news articles, posts on social media, and records of your online purchases. When you know the boundaries of your digital footprint and take steps to contain it, you can help protect your identity and your reputation. What is a digital footprint? Every time you post something online, share content, or even when a website collects your information by installing cookies on your device, you are creating a digital trail. This includes your IP address, your login details, and other personal information that you reveal online. Information

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