AI for eDiscovery Powers Time and Cost Savings but Caution Advised

By |2023-03-07T14:25:05-05:00February 22nd, 2023|eDiscovery, Trending|

Forward-thinking legal professionals have already begun to tap into the benefits of AI for eDiscovery with technology-assisted review (TAR). Recently, the buzz about ChatGPT and other advancements has attorneys carefully weighing the potential benefits and risks of AI. Implemented wisely, emerging legal technology options can deliver significant wins. AI Already a Key Player in the Document Review Process Discovery costs can account for up to half of the costs involved in litigation. Consequently, streamlining the eDiscovery process delivers critical time and cost savings while improving case strategy. Enter technology-assisted review (TAR). A key application of AI, TAR substantially reduces the

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Gain Control of Business Data to Reduce Costs, Increase Productivity, Inform Decisions, and Improve Security

By |2023-03-08T13:38:13-05:00February 1st, 2023|Cyber-Security, eDiscovery, Information Governance and Management, Safety and Cyber Security|

If the specter of a data subject access request or an eDiscovery sends your organization into fire drill mode, it is time to gain control of business data. Unmanaged data reduces productivity and hampers decision making. And it creates significant compliance and security risks. On the other hand, organizations that manage data effectively see a measurable return on investment. Reduce Cost and Time of eDiscovery For many companies, the data governance wakeup call comes with a data request for pending litigation. Under a time crunch, the legal team or IT department scramble to locate relevant data spread across various on-premises

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Why Lawyers Need to Understand Shadow Data

By |2023-03-08T13:40:50-05:00January 25th, 2023|Cyber-Security, eDiscovery, Information Governance and Management|

rganizations gather massive quantities of data, using that data to inform decision-making and business strategy. However, while data plays a critical role in business success, it can also increase security and compliance risks. When advising their clients on cyber security, legal teams must take into account the dangers posed by shadow data. In a digital environment dominated by cyber threats and privacy regulations, proactive organizations take great care to protect sensitive data. For instance, healthcare organizations bolster security around their EMR. But they may be neglecting shadow data, the sensitive data that lives outside the EMR, beneath the radar of

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Legal Teams Save Time and Reduce Costs with Early Data Assessment

By |2023-03-08T13:42:36-05:00January 18th, 2023|eDiscovery, Technology|

In the United States, nearly 98 percent of cases settle outside of court. Consequently, streamlining the discovery phase becomes critical, underlining the importance of early data assessment (EDA). As an essential component of early case assessment (ECA), EDA enhances case strategy and delivers substantial time and cost savings. The Importance of Early Data Assessment as Part of Early Case Assessment Early case assessment (ECA) refers to the process of evaluating all aspects of a pending legal case up front to determine risk, project costs and build strategy. As a central component of ECA, EDA involves running a preliminary eDiscovery to

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4 Ways Successful Companies Leverage eDiscovery Trends to Increase Efficiency and Reduce Cost

By |2023-03-08T13:44:40-05:00January 9th, 2023|eDiscovery, Microsoft 365, Technology|

With the data explosion, a distributed workforce and an economy that demands efficiency, legal teams face challenges in 2023. eDiscovery trends such as workflow automation, cloud solutions and other key legal technologies can help. As organizations choose and implement eDiscovery solutions wisely, they unlock significant savings in terms of time and budget. 1. Lay the Foundation with Improved Information Governance With a hybrid workforce, the acceleration of cloud migration and the proliferation of connected devices, document review has changed drastically. For instance, consider the complex data architectures brought on by remote collaboration, including chats, video conferencing and more. Data environments

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Tech-driven Internal Data Processes Deliver Significant eDiscovery Time and Cost Savings

By |2022-11-14T02:10:18-05:00November 2nd, 2022|eDiscovery, Technology|

For many organizations, the prospect of collecting and submitting data for pending litigation can prove daunting. Rapidly expanding caches of unstructured data, combined with remote work and increasing regulatory controls make information governance both critical and challenging. But enhancing internal data processes with the right technology brings eDiscovery time and cost savings. Consider the scenario of an organization scrambling to respond to a data request without an understanding of what sensitive data exists and where to find it. They may incur penalties by missing key deadlines or skipping critical data. On the other hand, a clear picture of the data

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Increase Data Visibility with Microsoft 365 Data Governance Tools

By |2022-10-11T10:33:36-04:00September 7th, 2022|Data Compliance, eDiscovery, Microsoft 365|

Organizations depend on data to drive business strategy. However, to make informed decisions, data users need the ability to find and access the right information. Additionally, administrators require detailed understanding of sensitive data throughout the organization. Improved data visibility with Microsoft 365 Purview automates the process of classifying and discovering data. By combining the features of Azure Purview and Microsoft 365 Compliance, the new Microsoft Purview provides powerful tools for information governance. No matter where your data lives, Purview delivers the tools to find and protect that data, achieve compliance and capitalize on valuable data assets. Classify Data for Sensitivity

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Proactive eDiscovery for Business Saves Time and Reduces Cost

By |2022-02-09T16:10:41-05:00February 2nd, 2022|eDiscovery, Information Governance and Management|

Any business that has gone through a litigation process knows the discovery process well. Now, with most business information in electronic format, discovery has evolved into a complex process of gathering information in a multitude of formats. Understanding the basics of eDiscovery for business and planning ahead will save headaches down the road. eDiscovery for Business Primer Discovery involves gathering and sharing all evidence and witnesses for a pending legal case. It comes into play not only when someone files a lawsuit but also when a lawsuit is reasonably anticipated. For instance, if a customer suffers a significant injury while

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Scalable, Affordable and Secure Information Governance with eGovernance® Cloud

By |2022-02-17T15:18:45-05:00July 7th, 2021|Data Compliance, eDiscovery, Information Governance and Management|

Organizations in every industry deal with a growing data dilemma. Big data promises big returns, but data must be high quality, organized and secure to deliver value. eGovernance® provides scalable, cloud-based secure information governance solutions tailored to support business strategy and work within organizational budgets. Managed by the information governance experts at Messaging Architects, eGovernance® empowers businesses to take control of their data with a hosted solution for electronic data discovery, security, and compliance. Benefits of a Robust, Secure Information Governance Strategy Data breach spells disaster, and mismanaged information becomes a liability in an age ruled by privacy regulation. Enter

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eDiscovery for Mobile Presents Unique Data Collection Challenges

By |2021-02-18T02:57:23-05:00February 3rd, 2021|eDiscovery|

Most of the world’s population now own cell phones and use them regularly for both personal and business concerns. Consequently, mobile data often becomes a significant factor in investigations and legal proceedings. However, eDiscovery for mobile inserts some new wrinkles into traditional data collection processes. Until the last decade or so, phone calls and email dominated the communication sphere. But in 2007, messaging vaulted past phone calls, and the number of communications apps grows every day. Using a single mobile device, the same person will make phone calls, edit documents, send emails, create notes, and use a handful of different

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