Business Email Security Updates Critical to Keep Pace with Emerging Threats

By |2024-04-03T09:20:20-04:00February 21st, 2024|article, Blog Archive, Cyber-Security, Email Management Tips, Email security|

Cyber criminals love email. Everyone uses it. Businesses depend on it. And threat actors successfully use email as an attack vector over and over again. In fact, over 90 percent of malware arrives via email. Hackers have upped their cyber attack strategies, but business email security often lags behind. Organizations must modernize their security practices. Business Email Security Predictions for 2024 To build an effective defense, security teams need to know the nature of the dangers they face. Experts have identified several key email threats for 2024, including the following: More sophisticated phishing attacks – Phishing attacks continue to evolve.

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Phishing in 2024: What the Lures Look Like and How Not to Get Caught

By |2024-04-03T09:21:45-04:00February 14th, 2024|AI, article, Blog Archive, Email security|

In the old days (that is, a couple of years ago), grammar mistakes and clumsy attempts to personalize signaled a possible phishing attack. Unwary users still got caught, but common sense and email filters provided pretty good protection. Phishing in 2024 has evolved to a more dangerous level, and both users and organizations need to strengthen their defenses. Recent studies show an alarming increase in phishing attacks. A study by Acronis, for instance, reports an increase of over 200% in email attacks just in the last six months. Despite being one of the oldest attack vectors, email remains one of

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Email Organization Tips Help Busy Professionals Reclaim Vital Work Hours

By |2024-04-03T10:50:15-04:00January 24th, 2024|Email Management Tips, Email Policy, Microsoft 365|

Most workdays start with a morning cup of coffee and precious time lost while sifting through the dreaded inbox. More messages arrive throughout the day, continually interrupting the workflow. Busy professionals lose 10 to 15 hours every week to email, but these email organization tips will help reduce stress, enhance productivity, and improve communication. Create and Follow a Clear Inbox Policy Without a clear plan for how to approach email, many users find themselves checking email constantly and responding to unimportant messages. Worse, important information gets lost in a cluttered inbox. Establishing and maintaining a definitive policy for addressing email

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Streamline Email Governance with a Midsummer Fitness Check

By |2022-08-11T06:03:35-04:00July 13th, 2022|Email Management Tips, Email Policy|

Many organizations have a love/hate relationship with email. On the one hand, email remains the cornerstone of business communication. On the other, without diligent oversight, it can quickly become not only a time sink, but also a security and compliance liability. Spending some quality time on email governance can make the difference. Automate Email Policies A midsummer IT fitness checkup provides the perfect opportunity to review and update email policies. A well-crafted email policy both improves regulatory compliance and streamlines the archive to ease the eDiscovery process down the road. But policies require periodic adjustments to keep up with regulatory

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7 Common Email Mistakes That Kill Your Professionalism… And How to Avoid Them

By |2022-03-14T10:03:58-04:00March 2nd, 2022|Cyber-Security, Email Management Tips, Email Policy|

The average worker spends hours checking and responding to email each day. Unfortunately, that critical business tool can also prove dangerous. Consider the damage of a scathing email sent to the wrong person or sensitive information leaking outside the company. Save your reputation, and maybe even your career, by avoiding these all-too-common email mistakes. Using Email When Another Method Works Better Email works great for non-urgent communication, for communicating with groups of people and for maintaining a documentation trail. For instance, email may be just the ticket for communicating follow-up details to team members after a meeting. On the other

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Work Faster with Email Dictation in Outlook

By |2022-01-28T09:09:39-05:00December 8th, 2021|Email Management Tips, Microsoft 365, Technology|

Outlook has included dictation capabilities for some time, and users love that it makes emailing faster and more natural. This past summer, Microsoft announced new voice commands that take email dictation in Outlook to the next level. Check out these new commands, along with a review of some favorite Outlook dictation features you may have yet to discover. Accessing Email Dictation in Outlook Features First, a quick review of the basics. To access the dictation features, create a new email or reply to an existing email. Then click the Dictate button (with the microphone icon) on the Message tab. Start

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Email Etiquette and Guidelines to Survive and Prosper

By |2020-06-01T10:20:28-04:00July 9th, 2019|Email Management Tips|

Email etiquette tips from Greg Smith Most organizations provide their employees with a corporate email address and email services. Email is pervasive across the organization. And, because it bears the name of the company, it can bring risk if improperly used. Thus, proper email etiquette should be taught and practiced. The words Email and Communication are not always synonymous. Just like language, email is a communication tool as well as a conveyance for other types of information. Communication is sometimes a precarious thing and miscommunication a great source of friction and potential mistakes. While it is impossible to train individuals

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Four Email Management Best Practices for Organizations

By |2020-06-01T10:38:36-04:00February 21st, 2019|Email Management Tips|

Email Management Best Practices from Ross Phillips By the time email celebrated its thirtieth birthday in 2001, it had become a staple of business communication across the world. Office workers currently send or receive an average of over 120 emails each day. Implementing email management best practices can help to increase productivity, reduce storage and bandwidth demands and improve data security. Despite the growth of group chats and various conferencing options, email continues to dominate daily business communication. Email allows users to easily contact both individuals and groups, share files and schedule meetings, bridging distances in a matter of seconds.

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