Email Compliance Tips to Avoid Penalties and Preserve Goodwill

By |2023-04-27T09:47:55-04:00April 26th, 2023|Email Management Tips, Privacy|

Email remains an essential tool for business communication. Workers use it to connect with vendors and colleagues. And email marketing presents a cost-effective way to stretch advertising dollars and strengthen customer relationships. However, to avoid penalties and preserve customer goodwill, organizations must ensure email compliance. Companies should be aware of several laws affecting email. For instance, the CAN-SPAM act regulates marketing emails in the United States, with even stiffer laws in Canada. The FTC will levy costly fines and penalties against companies who violate CAN-SPAM. In addition to CAN-SPAM, a growing number of states have begun implementing privacy laws that

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Streamline Email Governance with a Midsummer Fitness Check

By |2022-08-11T06:03:35-04:00July 13th, 2022|Email Management Tips, Email Policy|

Many organizations have a love/hate relationship with email. On the one hand, email remains the cornerstone of business communication. On the other, without diligent oversight, it can quickly become not only a time sink, but also a security and compliance liability. Spending some quality time on email governance can make the difference. Automate Email Policies A midsummer IT fitness checkup provides the perfect opportunity to review and update email policies. A well-crafted email policy both improves regulatory compliance and streamlines the archive to ease the eDiscovery process down the road. But policies require periodic adjustments to keep up with regulatory

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Finding the Email Retention Goldilocks Zone

By |2020-10-06T06:34:01-04:00August 1st, 2020|Email Management Tips, Email Policy|

By Greg Smith The Email Retention Dilemma Creating an Email Retention Policy that works is tricky. Keeping too little information encourages email pack rats and puts legal teams at a disadvantage. Too much information drives up ediscovery costs while increasing potential liability. Hence, organizations seek the email retention Goldilocks zone where retention is just right. There is no doubt that much of email consists of transient records that have no value and could be deleted. The issue comes down to ensuring that users make acceptable email deletion decisions. The concern arises when the organization provides users with the ability to

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Email Destruction Policies Discourage Pack Rats

By |2020-08-07T08:08:20-04:00July 29th, 2020|Email Policy|

Email Pack Rats? An effective method of communication, email also provides a concise audit trail of events, decisions, and performance. This reality makes email difficult to destroy for individuals wanting to maintain a history. However, some email “pack rats” go too far in their email retention behavior. Effective email destruction policies mitigate the problem. According to email experts, 20% of email users account for 80% of the data retained. This small minority, usually in key organizational roles, somehow feel the need to retain as much data as possible. They do it for business purposes, or simply for CYA. Hence, extra storage and

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Improve Security and Compliance by Migrating PST Files

By |2020-06-12T16:20:34-04:00February 26th, 2020|Email Migration, Email Policy|

Once upon a time, all major email systems used “personal storage tables,” commonly known as PST files. In fact, many organizations still use them to back up or archive email data. However, that practice no longer makes sense in today’s compliance-conscious and security-focused environment. Instead, consider migrating PST files to Office 365 or other centrally managed archival solution. Why Organizations Should Eliminate PST Files PST files once performed a vital function. Twenty years ago, network connections proved unreliable and slow, and online storage cost a great deal. With PST files, users could store email locally. Thus, even if the network

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3 Email Security Threats and How to Safeguard Your Business in 2020

By |2020-06-01T09:11:52-04:00December 18th, 2019|Cyber-Security, Email Management Tips, Email Policy|

Email security threats play a major role in the cyber battleground. In fact, most companies report they encountered email-based attacks in the past year. In addition, CSO Online reports that 92 percent of malware finds its way into the network via email. To protect their business and their customers, organizations need to anticipate email security threats and develop corresponding strategies. Experts predict that for 2020, major threats to email cyber security will include spear phishing, cloud-targeting ransomware and insufficient password measures. Spear Phishing Phishing attacks remain the primary cause of data breaches. In these attacks, criminals pose as legitimate business

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3 Reasons Organizations Need an Email Policy and How to Build a Good One

By |2020-06-01T09:13:38-04:00December 11th, 2019|Email Management Tips, Email Policy, Safety and Cyber Security|

Despite of the proliferation of messaging apps and video conferencing, email remains the preferred method for business communication. It offers simplicity, flexibility and immediacy. At the same time, email introduces substantial risk to an organization. A well-crafted email policy helps businesses tap into the benefits of email while mitigating the risks. For example, with a single email, a team leader can instantly communicate with her entire team. She can attach project files to the email and link the information to a calendar event. Any responses become part of a permanent conversation. Months later, an employee can reference that conversation with

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3 Data Compliance Challenges and How to Beat Them

By |2020-05-22T04:33:50-04:00August 28th, 2019|Data Compliance, Email Management Tips|

If HIPAA, GDPR, NIST, and CFAA have failed to confuse you, wait until CCPA and NYPA enter the scene. The alphabet soup of information privacy laws can feel like a minefield in the business landscape. And with technology evolving rapidly, data compliance challenges continue to increase in complexity. However, with careful planning, you can rise above these challenges. According to a 2018 report by the Ponemon Institute, the average cost of a data breach ranged from $2.2 million to $6.9 million. In addition to fines, businesses found non-compliant face lawsuits, remediation costs and audits. Perhaps more damaging, they stand to

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Avoid Cyber-Hoarding with Effective Email Organization

By |2020-06-01T10:24:48-04:00June 25th, 2019|Email Management Tips|

Tips for email organization from Alexander Velarde In modern society, we live our lives in the digital realm. We work, play games and even date online. Unfortunately, we have also digitized some of our bad habits. Those kitchen junk drawers filled with things we might need someday have morphed into overflowing email inboxes. But some pro-active email organization can restore order and boost productivity. De-Clutter Your Inbox A quick online search on “how to de-clutter” immediately delivers nearly nine million results. Consultants make a living by teaching customers to declutter their kitchens, their closets and their lives. Cleaning out your

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Ensure Success with Pre-Migration Email Cleanup

By |2020-06-01T10:36:45-04:00March 13th, 2019|Email Migration|

Email cleanup tips from Alexander Velarde Think about the last time you moved from one house to another. In anticipation of the movers, you de-cluttered with a vengeance. Clothes that no longer fit anyone? Gone. Utility bills from ten years ago? Gone. Why carry garbage to a new house? Approaching an email migration like a move to a new house makes the migration process more efficient and reduces cost. Consider a typical organization with employees who have been using the same email system for years. Focused on the business at hand, many end users use email as a convenient storage

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