Guidelines for the Electronic Discovery Process: A Primer for Corporate Leaders

By |2024-07-09T10:25:58-04:00June 18th, 2024|article, Blog Archive, eDiscovery|

In a business environment dominated by data, electronic discovery (eDiscovery) has emerged as a critical component of legal proceedings. Consequently, corporate leaders must understand and streamline the eDiscovery process to ensure compliance, minimize risks, and reduce costs. The following guidelines for the electronic discovery process provide an essential starting point. In a nutshell, eDiscovery includes the following steps: Identification – Search throughout the organization for all electronically stored information (ESI) potentially relevant to the case at hand. Preservation – Once you have identified potentially relevant data, place legal holds to prevent any alteration or destruction of that data. Collection –

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End-to-End Legal Solutions Streamline eDiscovery and Compliance While Reducing Cost and Risk

By |2023-10-06T10:23:36-04:00August 23rd, 2023|eDiscovery, Information Governance and Management, Technology|

Whether managing complex litigation, responding to public records requests, or ensuring regulatory compliance, legal professionals need to efficiently process large volumes of data. And with data scattered across numerous formats and platforms, legal teams require proven legal solutions designed for today’s eDiscovery challenges. Messaging Architects offers a superior end-to-end eDiscovery solution, powered by ZyLAB and IPRO. With an intuitive interface, AI-assisted document review, and exceptional security, this solution speeds early case assessment while ensuring defensibility. Efficient, Defensible Data Collection The majority of eDiscovery costs occur in initial data collection and review. By focusing on relevant data early, legal teams reduce

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Increase Legal Team Productivity with These 5 Proven Methods

By |2023-03-08T14:14:30-05:00March 7th, 2023|eDiscovery, Information Governance and Management, Technology|

In the legal profession, productivity equals revenue. Law firms run on billable hours. And in-house legal departments directly affect the bottom line of the corporations they serve.  A combination of improved information governance, automation, collaboration, and strategic adoption of legal technology can increase legal team productivity by 23 percent or more. Determine Your Baseline Legal Team Productivity To map the route to a more productive future, the legal team must first determine its starting point. For instance, a team that lacks effective strategy will operate reactively, scrambling with every request for information and turning immediately to outside counsel. Somewhat more

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AI for eDiscovery Powers Time and Cost Savings but Caution Advised

By |2023-03-07T14:25:05-05:00February 22nd, 2023|eDiscovery, Trending|

Forward-thinking legal professionals have already begun to tap into the benefits of AI for eDiscovery with technology-assisted review (TAR). Recently, the buzz about ChatGPT and other advancements has attorneys carefully weighing the potential benefits and risks of AI. Implemented wisely, emerging legal technology options can deliver significant wins. AI Already a Key Player in the Document Review Process Discovery costs can account for up to half of the costs involved in litigation. Consequently, streamlining the eDiscovery process delivers critical time and cost savings while improving case strategy. Enter technology-assisted review (TAR). A key application of AI, TAR substantially reduces the

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Overcome Legal Firm Challenges with Wise Technology Investments

By |2023-03-07T14:50:52-05:00February 15th, 2023|Cyber-Security, Information Governance and Management, Safety and Cyber Security, Technology|

Recent years have witnessed seismic shifts in society. The global pandemic, political uncertainty, and public concerns about the balance between convenience and data privacy have altered the business climate. Like all companies, law firms must reevaluate and adjust to stay competitive. Technology can deliver key solutions to legal firm challenges. Attract and Retain Legal Talent The Challenge: Law firms depend on quality attorneys to attract good clients. In fact, a recent study showed that nearly half of commercial law firms cite hiring and retaining good lawyers as their greatest challenge. The pandemic highlighted the need for a work-life balance, and

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Law Firm Compliance Challenges Underscore Need for Renewed Cyber Security Focus

By |2023-03-07T16:06:13-05:00February 8th, 2023|Cyber-Security, Data Compliance, Information Governance and Management|

Today’s regulatory environment can feel like a minefield. From SOX to HIPAA, GDPR to PCI DSS and new state privacy laws, complex regulations affect nearly every organization. And for attorneys, the landscape proves especially difficult. Each client potentially brings both sensitive data and additional regulations, adding to law firm compliance challenges. Understand How and When Regulations Apply to Law Firms Law firms occupy a unique position that makes them potentially subject to a wide range of regulations. Like any organization, they must comply with the evolving privacy laws of the state(s) in which they do businesses. However, in addition, they

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Why Lawyers Need to Understand Shadow Data

By |2023-03-08T13:40:50-05:00January 25th, 2023|Cyber-Security, eDiscovery, Information Governance and Management|

rganizations gather massive quantities of data, using that data to inform decision-making and business strategy. However, while data plays a critical role in business success, it can also increase security and compliance risks. When advising their clients on cyber security, legal teams must take into account the dangers posed by shadow data. In a digital environment dominated by cyber threats and privacy regulations, proactive organizations take great care to protect sensitive data. For instance, healthcare organizations bolster security around their EMR. But they may be neglecting shadow data, the sensitive data that lives outside the EMR, beneath the radar of

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4 Ways Successful Companies Leverage eDiscovery Trends to Increase Efficiency and Reduce Cost

By |2023-03-08T13:44:40-05:00January 9th, 2023|eDiscovery, Microsoft 365, Technology|

With the data explosion, a distributed workforce and an economy that demands efficiency, legal teams face challenges in 2023. eDiscovery trends such as workflow automation, cloud solutions and other key legal technologies can help. As organizations choose and implement eDiscovery solutions wisely, they unlock significant savings in terms of time and budget. 1. Lay the Foundation with Improved Information Governance With a hybrid workforce, the acceleration of cloud migration and the proliferation of connected devices, document review has changed drastically. For instance, consider the complex data architectures brought on by remote collaboration, including chats, video conferencing and more. Data environments

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Microsoft 365 for Law Firms Improves Client Relationships and Powers Office Productivity

By |2022-03-14T10:06:25-04:00February 23rd, 2022|Microsoft 365|

For decades, Microsoft Office products have dominated the business community. For instance, millions of organizations globally depend on Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint for day-to-day productivity. However, many attorneys might be surprised to realize the extent of the benefits offered by Microsoft 365 for law firms. These benefits extend far beyond simple word processing. For instance, SharePoint and OneDrive deliver flexible options for document storage and management. Attorneys can access and collaborate on documents from anywhere, at any time. And as a subscription-based service, Microsoft 365 scales easily, so it fits any size firm. Explore the following additional ways Microsoft

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