GroupWise to Microsoft 365 Migration Basics

By |2023-03-08T13:56:44-05:00December 7th, 2022|Email Migration, Microsoft 365, Office 365 and Migration|

For organizations using legacy systems like GroupWise, Microsoft 365 offers clear benefits, from improved eDiscovery to scalability and easy remote access. However, migrating from GroupWise presents unique challenges. Understanding and following GroupWise to Microsoft 365 Migration basics will help smooth the way to a successful migration. GroupWise Presents Critical Limitations While GroupWise has powered corporate email systems for decades, an infrastructure designed for 1980s workloads struggles to handle modern demands. In particular, GroupWise personal archives present potentially costly issues. In the first place, end users manage their own archives. That means that very little maintenance occurs. And when users continue

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How to Prepare for Microsoft 365 Migration Success

By |2023-03-08T14:02:02-05:00November 16th, 2022|Email Migration, Microsoft 365, Office 365 and Migration|

You know the benefits of a Microsoft 365 migration. You probably also know that migrating to Microsoft 365, no matter what platform you migrate from, brings challenges. But when organizations take the time to plan and prepare for Microsoft 365 Migration, and when they use the right tools, the process can go smoothly. First, take time to figure out the scope of the project. Ask the right questions and involve the right people. This will help you in choosing the best migration tool for the job. Then, take the time to clean up the old environment and set up the

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7 Microsoft 365 Migration Tips to Ensure a Smooth Migration

By |2022-06-09T16:56:10-04:00May 13th, 2022|Email Migration, Microsoft 365, Office 365 and Migration|

Microsoft 365 delivers significant benefits for organizations and end users alike, from powering mobile work to driving real-time collaboration. While moving to Microsoft 365 requires careful migration planning, the process provides a unique opportunity to adjust data organization and tighten security. These Microsoft 365 migration tips can help. 1. Commit to a Thorough Discovery Process Nothing will affect the success of your Microsoft 365 migration project quite as much as the quality of the initial discovery process. A robust discovery starts with identifying the data in the existing environment, including the amount and types of data to transfer. Look carefully

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Careful Microsoft 365 Migration Planning Delivers Recipe for Success

By |2022-06-09T16:40:10-04:00May 11th, 2022|Email Migration, Microsoft 365, Office 365 and Migration|

Whether merging two organizations or moving from on-premises to the cloud, migrating to Microsoft 365 can prove challenging. But detailed Microsoft 365 migration planning can make all the difference. Taking the time to identify the scope of the project and involve key stakeholders up front will save time and headaches in the end. Successful Microsoft 365 Migration Planning Begins with the Right Questions Asking the right questions from the beginning will help ensure a migration process that runs smoothly. This includes questions like the following: What data needs to be migrated – Migration presents the perfect opportunity to destroy redundant,

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Choose the Right Time for GroupWise to Microsoft 365 Migration

By |2022-02-21T13:55:05-05:00February 16th, 2022|Email Migration, Microsoft 365, Office 365 and Migration|

While GroupWise users have loved the messaging and collaboration platform since the 1980s, most organizations understand that moving to a more integrated environment is inevitable. Modern collaboration solutions offer more agile solutions built specifically for today’s hybrid work environment. Understanding the factors involved will help organizations determine the right time for a GroupWise to Microsoft 365 migration. GroupWise eDiscovery Limitations In an increasingly litigious environment, organizations must demonstrate the ability to respond quickly to eDiscovery requests. However, the GroupWise structure, which hasn’t changed much since the 1980’s, presents significant challenges to eDiscovery. Organizations must decide between accepting fines for non-compliance

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SharePoint and Teams Migration Tools May Deliver Disappointing Results

By |2022-02-14T00:15:14-05:00February 9th, 2022|Office 365 and Migration|

Microsoft Teams and SharePoint sites play a critical role in building group collaboration and effective processes. No one wants to discover after a SharePoint and Teams migration that essential files and features have been lost in the process. With careful planning and the right tools, organizations can ensure a smooth transition to the new environment. Understanding SharePoint Sites, Teams and Groups To begin with, organizations need to understand some essentials about Microsoft Groups, Teams and SharePoint sites and how they interact. At the basic level, SharePoint provides the underlying engine for Teams and Groups. For instance, every time someone creates

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Microsoft 365 Price Changes in March 2022

By |2022-03-17T15:15:22-04:00January 28th, 2022|Microsoft 365, Office 365 and Migration, Trending|

Update- March 1, 2022 Microsoft has raised its prices on many M365 platforms. This price increases took effect in March, 2022. There are now two pathways to join M365 from a licensing perspective. The first is a 12-month licensing agreement and there are no additional surcharges The second takes into account your ability to be able to add or delete licenses at your discretion, and not be tied to an annual agreement. Microsoft will charge a 20% premium for this flexibility. As a decision maker, you will need to decide whether your company will benefit more from locking in a

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Office Mobile: Voice Notes with Real-time Transcription Enhance Work Productivity

By |2022-01-13T12:10:05-05:00December 21st, 2021|Microsoft 365, Office 365 and Migration, Technology|

The concept of an office and office hours has changed dramatically in recent years, with many organizations embracing remote work. Many workers carry their offices in their pockets. They dictate memos on the subway, record inspiration in the taxi and conduct interviews on the sidewalk. Microsoft has just made that process easier with Office Mobile Voice Notes. Released in an Office Insider build earlier this year, Voice Notes goes beyond simply recording a voice memo. With the new Voice Notes, users gain real-time transcription, synced text highlighting for reviewing notes and the ability to share voice notes. Additionally, for Microsoft

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Microsoft Editor in Outlook Promotes More Inclusive and Professional Email

By |2021-12-23T03:33:49-05:00December 15th, 2021|Email Management Tips, Microsoft 365, Office 365 and Migration|

For years, Microsoft users have depended on Word’s built-in spelling and grammar checker. Many of those users may be not aware that Microsoft has updated and expanded its editing features, bringing them to Outlook. With Microsoft Editor in Outlook, users can both proof and refine their writing to be more inclusive and professional in more than 20 languages. AI-powered Intelligent Writing Support With Microsoft Editor, users benefit from a versatile writing assistant powered by artificial intelligence (AI). The familiar red and blue underlines still alert users to spelling and grammar corrections. But now, Editor also offers stylistic suggestions to help

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Microsoft Loop Smooths Collaboration in the Hybrid Workplace

By |2021-12-06T05:49:21-05:00November 24th, 2021|Microsoft 365, Office 365 and Migration, Technology|

At its annual Ignite conference on November 2, Microsoft announced a new productivity app called Microsoft Loop. With Loop, users create and collaborate on independent blocks of content. By breaking free of the traditional boundaries between applications, this new tool facilitates fluid collaboration in the hybrid workplace. For example, a user can create a table for brainstorming project ideas, sharing the table with various team members through Teams chat or email. Multiple users can edit the table simultaneously, and changes sync automatically, regardless of where users view and edit the table. Productivity Benefits Power Teamwork Because Loop components live independent

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