5 Nifty Time-Saving Microsoft 365 Tips

By |2023-03-17T13:27:09-04:00September 8th, 2021|Email Management Tips, Office 365 and Migration|

The productivity experts at Microsoft know firsthand the need to constantly work smarter and more efficiently. To that end, they continually work to build productivity features into their products and improve existing options. Check out these time-saving Microsoft 365 tips. You may even discover a few gems you never knew existed. 1. Share Documents Quickly (Office) Microsoft allows users to share documents without leaving the app. If the document has been saved to OneDrive, you can send either a link or a copy. When sending a link, Share includes the option to add an expiration date and password. And when

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5 Essential Data Compliance Best Practices for Government Agencies

By |2021-10-25T05:45:07-04:00September 1st, 2021|Data Compliance, Privacy|

The public sector deals with a treasure trove of sensitive data, from social security numbers to payment information. Hackers know this and have increasingly turned their focus to local and state government agencies. Consequently, these organizations must implement data compliance best practices to safeguard personally identifiable information (PII) and avoid stiff penalties. For example, in 2016, dozens of Los Angeles County employees gave in to a phishing attack. As a result, hackers gained access to the personal data of nearly 800,000 people. Attackers can then sell personal information or use stolen credentials to access government systems or disrupt critical services.

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Compliance and Data Security Audits Identify Risks, Protect Business Data

By |2021-10-25T05:45:49-04:00August 18th, 2021|Uncategorized|

Digital transformation has opened the door for unprecedented innovation and growth. Data informs marketing and development while improving customer service and streamlining processes. At the same time, privacy regulations and increasing cyber threats add complexity. Compliance and data security audits can help organizations navigate the environment. Though distinct from one another, regulatory compliance and security prove equally essential for business success. When organizations understand how compliance and security differ, as well as how they complement one another, they can significantly reduce risk. Audits form a key part of that process. Regulatory Compliance From the perspective of IT security, compliance refers

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Addressing the Translation Problem in Compliance

By |2021-10-25T05:46:55-04:00August 11th, 2021|Cyber-Security, Data Compliance|

A traveler walking through the streets of New York City could hear nearly 800 different languages. In fact, 45 percent of New Yorkers speak a language other than English at home. For businesses serving these populations, and for global organizations everywhere, translation services fill a vital role. But businesses must also address the translation problem in compliance. For example, HIPAA regulations mandate that organizations maintain confidentiality of protected health information (PHI). This means that they must protect PHI from unauthorized access at all stages, including in transit and in storage. That includes data being translated. Penalties for violating HIPAA regulations

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Practical Email Security Tips to Protect Valuable Business Data

By |2021-08-17T02:09:04-04:00August 4th, 2021|Cyber-Security, Email Policy|

A 2020 study reported that 306 billion emails were sent/received worldwide per day. An increasing number of those represent threats to valuable business data. Consider these practical email security tips as part of a multi-layered email security approach with the potential to save both you and your company a lot of time, embarrassment, and money. With over half the world population using email, security professionals work diligently to thwart attacks while cyber-criminals increase in sophistication. However, email remains one of the primary attack vectors of cyber-criminals and a key area of vulnerability, hence the tips. 1. Separate Business and Personal

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Adaptive Data Governance Drives Innovation and Success

By |2022-02-17T15:21:45-05:00July 28th, 2021|Data Compliance, Information Governance and Management|

Today’s digital business environment depends heavily on data to guide decisions and determine business direction. Organizations have begun to implement data governance, particularly in response to regulatory requirements. But successful businesses recognize the need for adaptive data governance to power more efficient decision making while promoting data value. Adaptive Data Governance Defined Traditional data governance approaches take a defensive posture, focusing on minimizing risk and achieving regulatory compliance. While important considerations, this reactive approach typically involves rigid controls dictated by centralized compliance officers. It can tend to introduce obstacles rather than promote growth. Adaptive data governance, on the other hand,

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7 Best Practices to Protect Your Phone from Hackers

By |2022-02-17T15:17:53-05:00July 21st, 2021|Cyber-Security, Information Governance and Management, Safety and Cyber Security|

The phone in your pocket can prove both one of your biggest assets and one of your biggest liabilities. Think of the worlds a thief can enter through your mobile phone. They can access your finances, your precise location, your contacts, sensitive business and health documents, and much more. The following tips will help you protect your phone from hackers. Hackers can access your phone directly or through iCloud. Or, using minimal, easily discovered, personal information, they can monitor your communications and location or even hijack your phone. By using a combination of technology and common sense, users can keep

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How IT Pros Use Honeypots to Protect Valuable Business Data

By |2021-08-06T05:24:51-04:00July 14th, 2021|Uncategorized|

Data drives decision making and has the power to catapult businesses beyond the competition. Business leaders know that. Unfortunately, so do cyber criminals. Consequently, protecting vital information assets has become increasingly complex. When building a comprehensive data security strategy, smart IT professionals use a variety of security tools, including honeypots. While the term “honeypot” invokes images of Winnie the Pooh, it has a much more sophisticated application in cybersecurity. In simple terms, security teams create enticing traps to attract hackers and then monitor their actions. They use the information gained to improve security measures and better understand existing and emerging

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Scalable, Affordable and Secure Information Governance with eGovernance® Cloud

By |2022-02-17T15:18:45-05:00July 7th, 2021|Data Compliance, eDiscovery, Information Governance and Management|

Organizations in every industry deal with a growing data dilemma. Big data promises big returns, but data must be high quality, organized and secure to deliver value. eGovernance® provides scalable, cloud-based secure information governance solutions tailored to support business strategy and work within organizational budgets. Managed by the information governance experts at Messaging Architects, eGovernance® empowers businesses to take control of their data with a hosted solution for electronic data discovery, security, and compliance. Benefits of a Robust, Secure Information Governance Strategy Data breach spells disaster, and mismanaged information becomes a liability in an age ruled by privacy regulation. Enter

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3 Ways Companies Gain a Competitive Edge with Data Governance

By |2022-02-17T14:58:25-05:00June 30th, 2021|Information Governance and Management|

Organizations sit on a mountain of treasure, and all too often they never manage to tap into its value. Data has the potential to revolutionize decision making, power innovation and drive marketing. Left unmanaged, data brings significant risk. However, successful businesses find their competitive edge with data governance. The challenge rarely lies in gathering enough data. After all, websites, customer interactions, internal processes and even machinery deliver mounds of data every day. Rather, the difficulty lies in generating high-quality data and organizing that data to generate value. For example, a retail company receives data regarding email campaigns, online buying habits

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