Information Governance Consulting Services Streamline Governance Strategy

By |2023-05-18T09:37:02-04:00May 17th, 2023|Cyber-Security, Data Compliance, eDiscovery, Information Governance and Management|

Information governance ensures that data remains both accessible and secure. It aids regulatory compliance and drives both productivity and decision making. But designing and implementing a comprehensive governance strategy requires careful planning and the right tools. Information governance consulting services streamline the process. A successful information governance strategy covers all your organizational data and includes several key components, such as: Data classification and storage Regulatory compliance Information security and access controls eDiscovery management The data experts at Messaging Architects have helped hundreds of organizations harness the power of their data. With enterprise-grade tools and extensive information governance expertise, they will

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5 Reasons to Implement Information Governance You May Have Missed

By |2023-05-24T16:37:34-04:00May 10th, 2023|Data Compliance, Information Governance and Management|

Many organizations have begun to realize the benefits of information governance in improving decision making and maintaining regulatory compliance. But gaining control of data delivers a wide range of advantages for companies in multiple industries. The following reasons to implement information governance may help you see your data in a new light. Deliver a Better Customer Experience Customers interact with a company from multiple perspectives, from marketing to sales, development to customer service. All too often, data exists in siloes, with little communication among departments. Consequently, the customer may get conflicting messages from different sources. Information governance reaches across departments,

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What is Information Governance? Managing Data to Drive Compliance, Strategy and Productivity

By |2023-05-18T09:52:58-04:00May 3rd, 2023|Data Compliance, Information Governance and Management, Safety and Cyber Security|

At its heart, information governance involves knowing where the organization’s data lives and who owns it. But what is information governance? Key elements of governance include categorizing data and managing the data lifecycle. Additionally, organizations must find a sweet spot that balances robust information security with streamlined data access. Properly implemented, information governance paves the way for regulatory compliance. It also makes quality data available to decision makers to inform business strategy. And it increases productivity by making the right data available to the right people at the right time. Maintain Compliance with Improved Visibility and Regular Monitoring For many

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Email Compliance Tips to Avoid Penalties and Preserve Goodwill

By |2023-04-27T09:47:55-04:00April 26th, 2023|Email Management Tips, Privacy|

Email remains an essential tool for business communication. Workers use it to connect with vendors and colleagues. And email marketing presents a cost-effective way to stretch advertising dollars and strengthen customer relationships. However, to avoid penalties and preserve customer goodwill, organizations must ensure email compliance. Companies should be aware of several laws affecting email. For instance, the CAN-SPAM act regulates marketing emails in the United States, with even stiffer laws in Canada. The FTC will levy costly fines and penalties against companies who violate CAN-SPAM. In addition to CAN-SPAM, a growing number of states have begun implementing privacy laws that

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How to Create a Business Email Signature in Outlook and Design Tips

By |2023-04-27T09:53:34-04:00April 19th, 2023|Email Management Tips, Microsoft 365|

Most professionals send dozens of emails every day. Thus, neglecting to take the time to create a business email signature means missing a critical opportunity to connect. A well-crafted signature provides crucial contact details and much more. For instance, the signature can increase brand awareness, generate leads and drive traffic to your website. What to Include in a Business Email Signature In addition to essential contact details, your email signature can include anything from social media links to a favorite quote. Before you create your signature, consider what image you want to portray and what you want recipients to know

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Cloud Data Backup Tips to Protect Essential Business Data

By |2023-04-27T09:59:26-04:00April 12th, 2023|Cyber-Security, Information Governance and Management, Microsoft 365|

As the majority of businesses migrate data to the cloud, many assume they no longer need to back up their data. However, cloud storage does not take the place of data backup. In fact, hybrid work increases the likelihood of cyber attack and data corruption, making it even more important to put a cloud data backup strategy in place. Consider that over one million organizations use Microsoft 365. However, although Microsoft itself suggests using a third-party backup solution, most of these companies do not have a backup system in place. Additionally, most organizations store data in a combination of on

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Increase Ongoing Productivity with a Successful Microsoft 365 Migration

By |2023-04-27T10:20:19-04:00April 5th, 2023|Email Migration, Microsoft 365, Office 365 and Migration|

Whether migrating from on premises to the cloud or merging two Microsoft 365 environments, the migration process presents both challenges and opportunity. A poorly planned migration can result in major work disruptions and even data loss. But a successful Microsoft 365 migration presents the perfect time to jump start information governance. The following migration tips will help to ensure that the migration process runs smoothly. At the same time, they prime the organization to move forward with increased productivity and security. Restructure for Optimal Productivity Advances in technology, regulatory changes and evolving business needs mean that the data environment requires

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How MSPs Protect Your Microsoft 365 Environment from Cyber Threats

By |2023-04-27T10:28:39-04:00March 29th, 2023|Cyber-Security, Microsoft 365, Safety and Cyber Security|

Millions of users around the world benefit from the scalability, rich feature set and anytime/anywhere access provided by Microsoft 365. However, in any cloud environment, clear benefits come with added security risk. MSPs protect your Microsoft 365 environment by providing deep security expertise, cutting edge tools and other critical services. While rich with possibility and promise, the cloud also brings new challenges. And guarding against cyber threats in the cloud requires a new set of skills and tools. Key cloud security threats include: Misconfiguration – Microsoft and other cloud providers offer a host of tools to manage risk and operate

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Enhance Success with a Data-Driven Business Strategy

By |2023-03-28T09:58:23-04:00March 22nd, 2023|Information Governance and Management, Microsoft 365|

While business leaders agree in theory about the importance of data, many have yet to unlock its potential. Implementing a data-driven business strategy involves combining specific business goals with effective data governance, shifts in company culture and appropriate technology. Roadblocks on the Path to a Data-Driven Business Strategy Despite having more data at our fingertips than ever before, many organizations struggle to uncover the value of their data. In fact, the sheer amount of data available can inhibit a company’s ability to generate useful insights. For example, a typical business may gather data from website traffic, customer support tickets, loyalty

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Enterprise Information Governance Next Steps to Drive Data Value

By |2023-03-28T10:02:34-04:00March 15th, 2023|Cyber-Security, Data Compliance, Information Governance and Management|

Most organizations have expansive caches of data. However, without effective enterprise information governance strategies, they may fail to tap into the full extent of their data value. Worse, mismanaged data may actually pose significant risk to the company. For instance, in a business environment tightly governed by rapidly evolving privacy regulations, poorly governed data can result in stiff penalties and damaged reputation. Additionally, business strategies based on redundant, incomplete, or faulty data will generate poor outcomes. And haphazard data management increases the risk of a security breach. On the other hand, when organizations build a culture of effective information governance,

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