Build Data Governance Strategies into 2023 Business Resolutions

By |2023-03-08T13:48:32-05:00December 28th, 2022|Information Governance and Management, Trending|

In a business environment driven by information, effective management and use of data proves more critical than ever before. Consequently, effective data governance strategies should play a key role in business resolutions for the new year. This will involve looking at business needs and the current state of your data and then determining governance best practices to generate ROI. An understanding of current data governance trends can also help provide some direction. For instance, several new privacy regulations take effect in 2023 that require greater data visibility. And organizations need to adjust strategies to better address the ongoing challenges of

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Legacy Archive Migration Best Practices for a Smooth Transition

By |2023-03-08T13:53:16-05:00December 21st, 2022|Email Migration, Privacy|

For decades, organizations have been archiving emails to meet regulatory and business requirements. In many cases, this means that companies have millions of emails stored in outdated systems. Updating archives to take advantage of the benefits of a modern environment can prove complicated. But following legacy archive migration best practices help. Email archiving provides a way for companies to preserve emails indefinitely. Archiving often proves necessary to achieve regulatory compliance. It also provides for business continuity and plays a key role in eDiscovery and internal audits. Several scenarios may necessitate the need to migrate email archives. For example, as more

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Exchange to Microsoft 365 Migration Tips for a Seamless Transition

By |2023-04-27T10:35:40-04:00December 14th, 2022|Email Migration, Microsoft 365, Office 365 and Migration|

Migrating from Exchange Server to Microsoft 365 brings many benefits, from accessibility to in-place archives and increased storage space. But the Exchange to Microsoft 365 migration process can be complex. Avoid migration failure by knowing what to expect, planning carefully and involving the right migration team members. Benefits of an Exchange to Microsoft 365 Migration Organizations migrate from on-premises Exchange to Microsoft 365 for several reasons. In the first place, companies limping along on older versions of Exchange may experience access issues or server crashes. And even in a well-managed system, the need to install regular patches and keep servers

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GroupWise to Microsoft 365 Migration Basics

By |2023-03-08T13:56:44-05:00December 7th, 2022|Email Migration, Microsoft 365, Office 365 and Migration|

For organizations using legacy systems like GroupWise, Microsoft 365 offers clear benefits, from improved eDiscovery to scalability and easy remote access. However, migrating from GroupWise presents unique challenges. Understanding and following GroupWise to Microsoft 365 Migration basics will help smooth the way to a successful migration. GroupWise Presents Critical Limitations While GroupWise has powered corporate email systems for decades, an infrastructure designed for 1980s workloads struggles to handle modern demands. In particular, GroupWise personal archives present potentially costly issues. In the first place, end users manage their own archives. That means that very little maintenance occurs. And when users continue

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4 Ways to Effectively Overcome Microsoft 365 Adoption Hurdles

By |2023-03-08T13:58:26-05:00November 30th, 2022|Cyber-Security, Microsoft 365|

Microsoft 365 provides organizations with a host of features to improve work life. But if employees choose not to use the tools available, they miss out on collaboration benefits and create security problems. Fortunately, by presenting multi-faceted training, involving the right people, and communicating effectively, organizations can accelerate Microsoft 365 adoption. Companies move to Microsoft 365 to tap into a variety of benefits. Some hope to improve productivity. Others need to stay competitive and support remote work by moving to the cloud. But along with the clear benefits, changing office technology affects day-to-day work life for employees in significant ways.

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5 Reasons Email Migrations Fail and How to Ensure Success

By |2023-03-08T14:00:14-05:00November 22nd, 2022|Email Migration, Microsoft 365|

Migrating to the cloud brings significant benefits in terms of accessibility and scalability. Employees expect to be able to catch up on email from anywhere, and remote work makes the cloud indispensable. But migration can prove more complicated than expected. Explore several key reasons email migrations fail and learn what to do to experience a smooth transition. 1. Lack of Planning Unsurprisingly, a failure to plan almost guarantees that the migration will experience lengthy downtime, unexpected delays, lost data, and user frustration. On the other hand, successful migrations begin with a clear understanding of the current environment and a detailed

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How to Prepare for Microsoft 365 Migration Success

By |2023-03-08T14:02:02-05:00November 16th, 2022|Email Migration, Microsoft 365, Office 365 and Migration|

You know the benefits of a Microsoft 365 migration. You probably also know that migrating to Microsoft 365, no matter what platform you migrate from, brings challenges. But when organizations take the time to plan and prepare for Microsoft 365 Migration, and when they use the right tools, the process can go smoothly. First, take time to figure out the scope of the project. Ask the right questions and involve the right people. This will help you in choosing the best migration tool for the job. Then, take the time to clean up the old environment and set up the

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Microsoft Entra Simplifies Identity Management While Improving Security

By |2022-11-29T08:55:32-05:00November 9th, 2022|Cyber-Security, Privacy, Technology|

Thousands of organizations already depend on Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) for identity and access management. But they may not be aware of all that Azure AD provides or of additional identity management services now available. The Microsoft Entra product family, including Azure AD, provides a streamlined identity platform while strengthening security. Cloud migration and remote work have changed the face of cyber security forever. Even a small to medium business must manage access for thousands of identities, from employees to contractors, devices, and services. However, traditional methods for verifying identity and managing permissions are labor-intensive and leave too many

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Tech-driven Internal Data Processes Deliver Significant eDiscovery Time and Cost Savings

By |2022-11-14T02:10:18-05:00November 2nd, 2022|eDiscovery, Technology|

For many organizations, the prospect of collecting and submitting data for pending litigation can prove daunting. Rapidly expanding caches of unstructured data, combined with remote work and increasing regulatory controls make information governance both critical and challenging. But enhancing internal data processes with the right technology brings eDiscovery time and cost savings. Consider the scenario of an organization scrambling to respond to a data request without an understanding of what sensitive data exists and where to find it. They may incur penalties by missing key deadlines or skipping critical data. On the other hand, a clear picture of the data

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Protect Business from Risky App Usage with Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps

By |2022-11-01T10:34:56-04:00October 26th, 2022|Cyber-Security, Safety and Cyber Security|

Modern workers have thousands of apps at their disposal to help them collaborate and to streamline their work. However, when they use apps not sanctioned and controlled by the organization, they introduce risk. Wise administrators take a balanced approach to risky app usage by combining technology with user education and open communication. Shadow IT refers to the apps, devices, and other technology that employees use without the knowledge of the IT department. Often, employees use unsanctioned apps to increase their efficiency or because the approved apps feel too complex or lack desired features. Unfortunately, the employees may not recognize the

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