Be Thankful that Business Data Improves Results

By |2020-12-16T04:15:08-05:00November 25th, 2020|Information Governance and Management|

Data informs nearly every modern business decision. Marketing departments focus on market data to find ready customers. HR directors gather data online to determine the best job candidates. And, knowing that business data improves results, executives examine market trends affecting supply chains, pricing, manufacturing, or distribution. Using data in various ways, modern companies streamline the process of manufacturing and getting a product to market. The savings that come from avoiding random acts of marketing or paying too much for resources significantly affect a company's bottom line. Everyone who runs a business can be grateful for that. Data Improves Productivity Through

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Democratization of Data Drives Modern Business Opportunity and Success

By |2020-12-04T05:59:18-05:00November 18th, 2020|Uncategorized|

As the ability to easily access and analyze information spreads, problem-solvers find themselves more empowered to tackle business problems and identify opportunities with data. Making enterprise data available to more users in a controlled way is what the democratization of data is all about. To ensure maximum growth and efficient processes, organizations seek to make valuable data available to the right people at the right time. Hence, the democratization of data grows in popularity as more business leaders realize that in data-driven companies, data is everyone’s business. The resulting digital transformation, regardless of industry, drives increased business opportunity, relevance, and

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Balancing the Potential and Challenges of the Chief Data Officer

By |2020-11-19T03:58:18-05:00November 11th, 2020|Information Governance and Management|

In 2002, Capital One appointed Cathryne Clay Doss to the role of Chief Data Officer (CDO). The first to hold that title, Doss covered a wide range of duties relating to the strategic oversight of data. Nearly two decades later, the role of CDO continues to evolve. The corporate world took some time to catch the CDO vision. But the explosion of data in recent years has highlighted the critical need for data leadership at executive levels. At the same time, business leaders struggle to agree on what the CDO role entails, what skills it requires and how the reporting

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Data Valuation: The Key to Unlock Hidden Assets

By |2020-11-19T03:54:02-05:00November 4th, 2020|Information Governance and Management|

Consider the power of information. Big data drives investment decisions and informs innovation. On the other hand, sensitive data in the wrong hands can destroy a business practically overnight. Through data valuation, businesses quantify the value of their information—assets they can then use to generate more revenue for the company. For example, in healthcare, effectively managed data about treatment protocols and their outcomes leads to better patient results. In retail, information about customer buying habits drives future marketing campaigns and generates higher sales. And proprietary information delivers a competitive edge to technology and manufacturing companies. However, for all the value

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Managing Data at the Edge

By |2020-11-19T03:51:10-05:00October 28th, 2020|Information Governance and Management, Technology|

Smart technology powers our lives, from wearable tech to traffic control and smart factories. Data analytics promise safer travel, more efficient energy consumption and increased productivity. At the same time, the explosion of data has created new challenges. Increasingly, experts look to the benefits of managing data at the edge to address those challenges. Simply put, edge computing refers to processing data closer to where the data is created or consumed. For example, sensitive factory machinery generates vast amounts of data. Processing that data at the source saves bandwidth. Additionally, access to real-time analysis means that the machinery can adjust

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How Data Compliance in the Cloud Happens

By |2020-11-17T05:47:47-05:00October 27th, 2020|Data Compliance|

As the current work from home paradigm motivates organizations to move all or part of their infrastructure to the cloud, data compliance in the cloud becomes a critical concern. Is our data safe from unauthorized access and disclosure in the cloud? Are we in compliance with all the government and industry regulations? Answering these questions means looking at both cloud data center compliance. More importantly, the organizational processes and controls relating to data stored in the cloud must be examined. Data Center Compliance “Who can access our data in the cloud?” is a valid question. Organizations want to be sure

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How Data Modeling Supports Effective Data Governance

By |2020-11-17T05:48:33-05:00October 14th, 2020|Information Governance and Management|

Today’s data modeling has entered a new era. Historically the best way to understand complex data sources, the scope of the discipline continues to expand. Its importance as the focal point of collaboration between data producers, curators and users also grows. A key factor in this transformation is that metadata is now the heart of enterprise data management, intelligence, and governance. Data modeling’s power to visualize metadata makes it essential. Visually Empowers Data modeling excels as the preferred way to design and deploy new complex data sources. The power of a data model to communicate visually empowers those who manage

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Municipal Data Governance Leads to a Brighter Future

By |2020-12-22T04:49:25-05:00October 7th, 2020|Information Governance and Management, Technology|

When it comes to innovation, government usually lags the private sector. So, when looking at data governance trends, I was surprised to find one expert who predicted that municipal data governance will show the rest of us how to improve service delivery. Indeed, the adoption of modern data governance by municipalities paves the way for a host of data-driven technologies and services. Executed properly, they have the potential to reduce risks, lower costs and improve the quality of life in U.S. cities. And with the proper motivation, it’s fair to say that local government agencies have an opportunity to lead

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Embrace Data Ethics as an Essential Part of Business Strategy

By |2020-10-06T05:07:27-04:00September 30th, 2020|Data Compliance, Information Governance and Management|

Not just a matter of regulatory compliance, highly regulated industries and others that are not must consider embracing data ethics as a component of their overall business strategy. The Data Ethics Problem According to Deloitte, 9.7 billion data records have been lost or stolen worldwide since 2013. And since it went into effect in 2018, consumers have filed more than 95,000 complaints relating to the EU’s GDPR statute. Despite advances, legislation is not keeping up with the ethical issues raised by the large volume and variety of data collected. Those issues are bound to impact data-heavy businesses where it hurts,

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Why Data Catalogs are Hot

By |2020-10-06T05:10:24-04:00September 17th, 2020|Data Compliance, Trending|

In today’s world of data, you often spend more time looking for data than analyzing it. That’s why enterprise-wide data catalogs that make data asset discovery straightforward now are a must. They broadly enable organizations to discover, register, enrich, understand, and utilize sprawling data sources. Data catalogs bring to light the undiscovered data within the organization, so that you spend more time analyzing and less time looking for data. Data catalogs enable users to: Discover data assets to unlock their potential Capture tribal knowledge to make data more understandable Bridge the gap between IT and the business Keep data where

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