Tabbed Task Panes in Microsoft 365 Reduce Clutter, Free up Screen Real Estate

By |2022-02-06T09:12:34-05:00January 26th, 2022|Microsoft 365|

Microsoft 365 apps deliver powerful features for creating complex presentations, documents, and spreadsheets. Tools such as the Editor, Design Ideas and Help, for instance, open task panes that appear side-by-side in the app window. In the past, multiple task panes displayed at once caused screen clutter, making it difficult to focus on the project at hand. Now, however, with the introduction of tabbed panes, Microsoft has streamlined pane management, decluttering the screen. With this and other customization options, users gain control over their workspace, placing the focus back on the content. Task Panes vs. Dialog Boxes Microsoft uses task panes

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Should Retailers Purchase Cyber Insurance to Mitigate Ransomware Risk?

By |2022-02-23T15:08:29-05:00January 19th, 2022|Cyber-Security, Safety and Cyber Security|

According to a recent report, 44 percent of retail organizations suffered ransomware attacks in 2020. And attacks increased in 2021. With the average cost of a single ransomware attack reaching nearly $2 million, many retail businesses have looked to cyber insurance to offset the risk. But the choice of whether or not to purchase cyber insurance requires careful consideration. As the threat landscape changes, insurance companies have also had to change their approach. Cyber insurance can prove costly. And it does not prevent attacks, merely helps recovery. In fact, some experts warn that purchasing this type of insurance can even

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Data Governance Best Practices Drive Retail Business Growth

By |2022-02-17T15:02:05-05:00January 12th, 2022|Information Governance and Management, Safety and Cyber Security|

Successful retailers know the value of information. Armed with data from all facets of the business, from marketing to shipping, retailers use information to gain a competitive advantage. But vast potential comes with inherent challenges. Harnessing data governance best practices allows retail businesses to move past roadblocks and drive success. Business Benefits of Data-driven Retailing When effectively organized and managed, data delivers significant benefits throughout the customer journey. For instance, retailers use data to personalize marketing campaigns and forecast demand for products and services. Knowing customer buying habits boosts upselling and customer retention. Additionally, data provides insights into business processes,

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Mobile Retail Data Governance Drives Data Value

By |2022-02-17T15:12:41-05:00January 5th, 2022|Information Governance and Management|

According to Mastercard, online retail sales growth accelerated through December 2021, up 61 percent from 2019. Now, up to 73% of consumers do omnichannel mobile shopping. The resulting explosion of mobile retail data presents both a challenge and an opportunity for retailers who implement mobile retail data governance. Convenience Drives Growth Mobile commerce, or m-commerce, encompasses the buying and selling of products and services via mobile devices such as tablets and smartphones. From a handheld device, shoppers order dinner, pay for tickets, deposit checks, or purchase a new kitchen sink. Convenience tops the list of m-commerce benefits for purchasers. They

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7 Best Practices for a Successful Microsoft Teams Migration

By |2022-01-07T01:49:25-05:00December 29th, 2021|Microsoft 365|

Migrating Microsoft Teams to a new Microsoft 365 tenant can present some challenges. But it also provides the opportunity to do some cleaning and organizing. To ensure a successful Microsoft Teams migration, commit to some careful planning. These migration best practices will help. Start with Spring Cleaning Take time to look closely at the current Teams environment. Create an audit list of all the teams, as well as the permissions and policies in place. Some of that information, even some teams themselves, may no longer serve a purpose. Identify teams and channels that have become redundant or unnecessary and delete

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Office Mobile: Voice Notes with Real-time Transcription Enhance Work Productivity

By |2022-01-13T12:10:05-05:00December 21st, 2021|Microsoft 365, Office 365 and Migration, Technology|

The concept of an office and office hours has changed dramatically in recent years, with many organizations embracing remote work. Many workers carry their offices in their pockets. They dictate memos on the subway, record inspiration in the taxi and conduct interviews on the sidewalk. Microsoft has just made that process easier with Office Mobile Voice Notes. Released in an Office Insider build earlier this year, Voice Notes goes beyond simply recording a voice memo. With the new Voice Notes, users gain real-time transcription, synced text highlighting for reviewing notes and the ability to share voice notes. Additionally, for Microsoft

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Microsoft Editor in Outlook Promotes More Inclusive and Professional Email

By |2021-12-23T03:33:49-05:00December 15th, 2021|Email Management Tips, Microsoft 365, Office 365 and Migration|

For years, Microsoft users have depended on Word’s built-in spelling and grammar checker. Many of those users may be not aware that Microsoft has updated and expanded its editing features, bringing them to Outlook. With Microsoft Editor in Outlook, users can both proof and refine their writing to be more inclusive and professional in more than 20 languages. AI-powered Intelligent Writing Support With Microsoft Editor, users benefit from a versatile writing assistant powered by artificial intelligence (AI). The familiar red and blue underlines still alert users to spelling and grammar corrections. But now, Editor also offers stylistic suggestions to help

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Work Faster with Email Dictation in Outlook

By |2022-01-28T09:09:39-05:00December 8th, 2021|Email Management Tips, Microsoft 365, Technology|

Outlook has included dictation capabilities for some time, and users love that it makes emailing faster and more natural. This past summer, Microsoft announced new voice commands that take email dictation in Outlook to the next level. Check out these new commands, along with a review of some favorite Outlook dictation features you may have yet to discover. Accessing Email Dictation in Outlook Features First, a quick review of the basics. To access the dictation features, create a new email or reply to an existing email. Then click the Dictate button (with the microphone icon) on the Message tab. Start

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Microsoft Mesh for Teams Delivers Metaverse Meeting Experience

By |2021-12-06T05:46:28-05:00December 1st, 2021|Microsoft 365, Technology, Trending|

The world fell apart, and business adapted. Employees have by and large adjusted to collaborating over distance. And the technology that powers that collaboration continues to evolve in powerful ways. Earlier this month, for example, Microsoft announced Mesh for Teams which delivers a metaverse meeting experience designed to improve connections and productivity. Strengthening Teams by Bridging the Gap between Physical and Digital While workplaces have transitioned relatively well to remote and hybrid work, the switch has brought significant challenges. Employees miss the more casual hallway encounters and the opportunity to read body language from across the room. And they tire

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Microsoft Loop Smooths Collaboration in the Hybrid Workplace

By |2021-12-06T05:49:21-05:00November 24th, 2021|Microsoft 365, Office 365 and Migration, Technology|

At its annual Ignite conference on November 2, Microsoft announced a new productivity app called Microsoft Loop. With Loop, users create and collaborate on independent blocks of content. By breaking free of the traditional boundaries between applications, this new tool facilitates fluid collaboration in the hybrid workplace. For example, a user can create a table for brainstorming project ideas, sharing the table with various team members through Teams chat or email. Multiple users can edit the table simultaneously, and changes sync automatically, regardless of where users view and edit the table. Productivity Benefits Power Teamwork Because Loop components live independent

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